Code Lyoko Hentai

Code Lyoko Porn Story: Enter Fierce Zone Chapter 15

Code Lyoko Porn Story: Enter Fierce Zone Chapter 15

Okay, so I’m feeling
sort of pressed, yet generous… Here’s the last chapter of Enter:
Fierce Zone.



Odd. Nice to meetcha.” Odd grinned widely at Kyra and blew her
hair out of her face.

I’m supposed to do that.” Kyra pouted turned on to her back.

Doesn’t mean I can’t.” Odd laughed, and leaned over her. Anyway,
there’s gotta be some reason why you brought all the way out here.”

was silent for a moment. Why did she bring him to the forest?
“Oh, right…”

narrowed, Odd remarked, “Don’t tell me you forgot what you were
going to say again.”

didn’t, I mean it!” Kyra laughed and cleared her throat. “Well,
this whole Xana thing got me to thinking…” She paused.


if Xana is this super bad entity that lives in Lyoko, why did we go
into the supercomputer in the first place? I mean, I never had to
know about it… and obviously, you asked the group to bring me
there. But, why? Why go through all of the trouble of Xana with me?”

thought for a moment… a rare occurrence. “I just wanted to
share something with you.”

stared up at him, the cool earth against her back. “…That’s

much, yeah. Lyoko is a cool place, you know? It gets hard to keep it
to yourself all the time.”

What you’re saying is, you needed an outlet to vent all of your pent
up, glorious feelings about Lyoko. I happened to come along at the
right time and…”

I thought it’d be nice to share, is all. Plus… I like you.”

like me?”

like you.” Odd shrugged and turned over, and Kyra squinted at
the sudden flood of sunlight. Wait… he liked her? That’s it?

all? You showed me Lyoko since you liked it?”

Odd laughed. “Like I said, I wanted to share it with someone.
And I like you.”

kept staring at him.

lot,” he added.

what I thought,” replied Kyra, and crossed her arms smugly.

sat up. “Wait, all of that was just to get me to say that I
liked you a lot?”

I would have preferred ‘love’, but I can settle for a strong liking.”
Kyra frowned. “Although, how can you really say you love
someone, especially after knowing them for jut a week?” She
turned towards him for an answer.

looked at her. “What? I’m no psychic.”


That. I’m no philosopher. I can’t tell you the mysteries behind the
human mind.” He reached out and touched her cheek. “All I
know is that love is a strong emotion. I don’t know if I’m capable of
showing something so strong.”

know what you mean, I think. I can say I like you, a lot, but more
and more I feel like I’d be lying if I said I loved you. I don’t love
many people just my parents and my grandparents. I wonder then,
how I can say I love them.

love mean I’d do anything for them? Does it mean that I’d cry if
their gone, that’d my life wouldn’t be the same? If so, then I can
honestly say… that I love you.’ Kyra closed her eyes and fiddled
with her hands. “I’ve known you for a week, yeah, and you’ve
impacted my life so much already. I wonder what’s to come in the

impacted your life? How?”

mean, you’re always so carefree, and… and you never hesitate to
turn a serious situation into something more manageable or lighter.
It makes me think about how I can do the same to cope with stress.”


get frazzled sometimes. When I think of my home in the States, it
feels like I don’t belong in France. Maybe I should never have come
here. But then, I remember what I’m working for, why I’m here, and
what’s expected of me.” Kyra turned her gaze on the canopy of
trees above her head. How must it feel to be a tree, swaying gently
in the breeze, without a care in the world? It must be a way of
life… “Trees have it so freaking easy! They do nothing but
grow. I bet they don’t even sleep, or dream, or even know that
they’ll die one day. No Xana, no school no tests, no life!”

only stared at her for a moment, then looked up at the trees, too.
“Yeah, but.. They also have no emotions, like love or joy. They
can’t understand what it means to have children. They can’t feel like
we do when we jab a hand into Xana’s eye.” He shrugged. “I
wouldn’t want to be a tree.”

right…” Kyra smiled to herself. Maybe being herself wasn’t so
bad. She had Odd… and Double Trouble. There was also the rest of
the gang, ad her newfound prowess on Lyoko. Life will turn up, she
thought, silently moved her hand to Odd’s, which closed against her
own. She closed her eyes, and took in the experience. Their backs
were against the cool ground and sunlight was streaming softly into
their eyes, red behind the closed lids. She felt every twitch of
Odd’s body, every nervous inhale and exhale, all the little things
which told her that he felt the same as she did happy to be
there. Life was good.



this whole thing about a super soldier project?”

too drowsy to answer, and it ain’t like I know the answer anyway.”

opened his eyes, then blinked. “Did you just say ‘ain’t?”

Kyra squeezed his hand tighter. “I’m a country girl. No, I’m
just human. I say weird things sometimes.”

right.” Odd stared at her as if she had said something immensely
profound, and his eyes darted over her spread-eagle form. “That
makes perfect sense.”

it? It’s common sense.”

yeah, but… It’s like when someone tells you that when you fall, try
again. It’s somewhat normal, but once you hear it, you’re that much
more ready. You know?”

I don’t.” Seeing his confused expression, she giggled and
quickly added, “Just kidding.”


anyway, no, I have no idea what this whole suer soldier business is.
To me, it just seems like a writer stuck it in there for no reason,
or to just make me seem mysterious.”

would make sense… f there was a writer.” Odd stared into her
eyes, and Kyra laughed.

your expression just cracks me up!” She giggled loudly, then
laughed, heartily and strongly. It felt good to be alive.

Odd shrugged awkwardly against the ground and turned on his side. “If
you say so.” He pressed his nose to hers and asked, “Are we
having fun yet? Hmm, Kyra?”

only laughed harder, and Odd joined in, until they were both sore,
and somehow a little saner. Life was weird like that.


Okay, so that was sort
of short. I hope the rest are similar.

I can has reviews? Ja?
plzkthnx :3

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