Code Lyoko Hentai

Code Lyoko Porn Story: The brother I never had Chapter 8

Code Lyoko Porn Story: The brother I never had Chapter 8


Odd: -slaps forehead-


Odd: Not my fault she did the face. I have a weakness for puppy eyes.

Angel: Well its a good thing because she’s writing.

Claire-chan: SQUEEEE!!!! -bounces off the walls-

Angel: -sweat drop- just enjoy

Chapter 8

Back in Angel’s room

Odd picked up the papers and books on the floor and notice they were all either large novels, drawings, sketch books. I guess he’s an artist,

Odd placed them on Angel’s desk, and looked the small stack of books on his desk. I didn’t know he read comic books. Thats a shock, coming from someone who reads trigonometry books…WAIT A SEC!..I read the same series…and these are the one’s I didn’t read! Odd hopped into a chair by the desk and started to read.

Okay I’m back, Angel walked into his room and saw that the floor was clear of his work. He then looked to his desk to see Odd reading his comics.

Angel crept up behind Odd and looked over his shoulder, You know, you can just borrow it.

Ahhh, Odd said surprised, Sorry I didn’t hear you.

Its okay…I said you can just borrow it, Angel smiled.

Thanks, Odd just blushed, Every time he smiles I blush! Damn you crush and my teenage hormones.

Angel noticed this and blushed himself.

Well…lets just start then. Angel placed the math book in front of Odd. He then pulled up a chair and sat next to him at the desk.I had to get my spare one from Aelita, I thought it would be awkward for us to share one.

No problem, now where to start? Odd looked at the book and pulled out his notebook.

Why don’t we start off from where we stopped in class. Angel opened his book and turned to the page then doing the same to Odd’s. Angel looked at the clock. Well we’ll have to make this a short lesson today. You’ll be late for roll call, if we over extend this lesson.

With that Angel started to go over the problem, correcting Odd constantly. He shook his head. Well what did I expect this kid, is trying his best.

Hey Odd, I’ve been wondering if, you ever had a tutor, to help you if you had so many problems, Angel asked a simple question and looked a Odd.

Well, I tried to get Jeremie to tutor me but then he got mad. Then Ulrich, and Yumi, and Aelita-

Okay I get the point. Angel cut him off, Well why did you let me help you?

Well because for one you have a sense of humor…

And can put up with your idiocy. Angel added to his sentence.

Hey! Odd shouted to his defense. Angel started to laugh.

Just kidding…man, don’t get your undies in a bunch. Any thing else?

Well I seem to understand what you say more. Odd said looking at his notes.

Hmm…well I’ll try my best to help you out. And I’ll even teach really slowly…

Okay, Hey wait thats an insult!

noooo shhiit sshheerrlloocckk. Angel said real slowly.

Your the worst. Odd sighed.

Its okay, I don’t mind having you around. Its nice to talk to someone.

Thats good to hear.

Also its better to talk to you…beside your a boy and its not easy talking to Aelita all the time. I have to edit, but with you I feel more at ease.

Odd blushed darked at what he said. So can you help me with this problem? Odd tried to change the subject.

Angel was surprised Odd was learning a little better than earlier. Yeah no problem. Your getting better from one short lesson. I’m impressed.


Yeah, soon you’ll be even smarter than me, Angel started to laugh

Yeah right, your probably smarter than Jeremie,

Angel’s laughter started to die down as looked at the clock, Well its time for you to go.

Yeah…so how am I suppose to pay you for your help?

Hmm..since your my friend…free… Angel said as he handed Odd a comic book and pushed him to the door. Angel then pecked him on the cheek, But that works to, Odd blushed a deep shade of red.

Later! Odd ran as Angel stared and closed the door.

FUCK!!! I’M STILL IN THE FRIEND ZONE!!! Odd yelled in his mind as he walked down the hallway thinking about Angel.

Odd finally got to his room he shared Ulrich. Wow your awfully, late. I had to take Kiwi for a walk.

Yeah thanks. Odd closed the door and placed his books onto the desk. He was really tired.

So whats wrong with you, because your studying.

Odd flopped onto his bed. I’m just tired, and my brain hurts.

Thats what happens when you don’t use it enough.

Your not helping,

Well thats good to hear.

Odd just ignored him. He turned over and went to sleep.

Back in Angel’s room

OMG! He’s soo slow!! Angel flopped onto his bed. I tried my best to teach him. And its not any better when you have a blush on your face!

Angel was ripped out of his thoughts when he heard his cell phone ring. So who’s calling me this late, its almost 9:30.

Angel walked over to his desk and picked up the phone. All he heard was static than a faint voice. He recognized the voice. William.

End Chapter 8

Odd: Another rape attempt by William

Angel: your not right, atleast he can keel up a good conversation unlike some people I know…-stares at Odd-

Claire-chan: R&R

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