Code Lyoko Hentai

Code Lyoko Porn Story: Princes Return Chapter 3

Code Lyoko Porn Story: Princes Return Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Xanas Reform

Chapter 3: Xanas Reform

Impact! Ulrich shouted as he destroyed the last vulcanoid.

Your castle awaits, princess. Odd said. Aelita nodded and ran into the tower.

Hurry up, guys. This hailstorm is turning the factory inside out. Jeremy said.

Dont worry about it, Einstein. Aelitas in the tower. Odd was devirtualized by a wall crawler that appeared out of nowhere.




Tower deactivated. Aelita said. The towers aura turned from yellow to its neutral white.

Return to the- Jeremy started.

Wait. A voice that the gang knew all to well said.

What do you want, Xana? Sharon asked.

To make a deal. A boy in a black cloak with spiky blond hair appeared. Anax has gotten too powerful from his return. I need your help to stop him.

Okay. What do we need to do? Aelita asked as she rejoined the gang.

You must find Dartz and convince him to return to the team. Then go to the Forest Replica and meet me at the main tower. Xana disappeared, leaving the Lyoko gang in confusion.

Where are we supposed to find Dartz? Riou asked.

Better question is how are we supposed to convince him to come back? Yumi asked. Remember, he hates us.

But he doesnt hate Sharon. Lisa said. If anyone can get him back, she can.

Me? Sharon asked.

Its up to you to get Dartz back. Sam said. No pressure, though.

I dont think so. Sharon took out one of her daggers and devirtualized herself.

“What did she mean by ‘I don’t think so’?” Duke asked.

“I think she meant she doesn’t think Dartz will come back just because she’s alive.” Aelita said sadly.

“That means we’re out of luck.” Ulrich said.

I know, short chapter. It was originally longer, but I cut a few things from it. Same thing with the last chapter. The rest of the chapters will be longer. Two reviews for the next chapter.

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