Code Lyoko Hentai

Code Lyoko Porn Story: The brother I never had – Chapter 18

Code Lyoko Porn Story: The brother I never had – Chapter 18



Claire-chan: Dont you have an idiot convention to go to.

Angel: Please be nice today.


Odd: Nice is not in her sadistic vocabulary.

Claire-chan: -glare-


Angel: Just enjoy everyone.

Chapter 18

Angel please be okay. Odd was now running beside Aelita, Yumi and Ulrich down the sewer tunnels towards where Angel could be. He filled everyone in on the way. He was to excited about seeing him; and glad to be assured he was here. Even though, at first, Odd didnt want to listen to Williams directions at first, he had to believe it, It was his eyes that told me he was telling the truth. He wants to save Angel too.

Odd was interrupted by his thoughts as they finally got to a large silver door, So are we just gonna knock or kick it down.

Aelita answered Odds question, I think its already open. She pointed to the small opening in the door.


Its okay Odd, Yumi patted his head, Your mind is just someplace else.

They all ran through the door. Just as they entered the door closed and ten different locks went off sealing it shut.

I guess you guys cant exit that way. Just be careful because this is new territory that I dont know about, Jeremie said before anyone asked him about the surroundings. He didnt like to feel blind just like the rest of them.

Lets go already, Odd started to walk faster then the others until he was shot at by two dark hornets, You know, Im in a really bad mood today. He fired two arrows and took them out before they could react.

Odd kept walking. The others stared but followed anyway. They knew he wanted to see Angel badly.

After twenty minutes of walking they finally made it to the cells. Just as Odd was about to grin, the group was attacked by another 15 dark hornets. This wasnt a sight Odd wanted to see. Just as Odd took out one hornet, he heard Aelita call him.

Odd, please go ahead.


Its okay we can hold off these guys. Ulrich added as he took out two monsters.

Thanks you guys. Odd gave them his thank you smile and ran off they rest of the way to Angels cell.

-Angels cell-

Odd stood in front of Angels cell. The numbers 401 were in bold and faded writing, This must be where Angel was held for all those years. Odd felt his heart ache as he thought about it.

Odd finally had the courage to open the door. The sight he was met with was one he never wanted to see not even in his nightmares. There on the floor of the cell, lay Angel. His eyes were white and his skin was so pale that his veins could be seen. Black lines marked his hands that could be seen; from his sleeve covering them. And to add insult to injury, a Xana mark was on his forehead.

Oh my god! Odd who was frozen at the doorway, ran over and dropped to his knees in tears. He picked up Angel into his arms and listened, he heard now heartbeat, or even felt a breath leave Angels lips.

ANGEL WAKE UP! He started to shake him gently, but no answer from Angel.

Please come back to me.

-Angels mind-

Angel was floating through darkness. He couldnt recall much. All he felt now was pain, and his mind in even more pain.

It hearts so much. The thoughts Im having. But why is it

Angel paused. He thought he heard crying. After he didnt heard anything after so he kept trying to think.

Why am I here?


Who is that? He could hear someone call his name.

Please wake up.

Why do you want me or for that matter even know me.

I should have protected you. Angel could feel water dropping onto his face.

Angel could recall being attacked by Xana now. He remembered the pain.

Please come back to me. Now he remembered where that voice was from.


-Back in his cell-

Odd, Odds eyes widened as he heard a very faint and familiar voice from his arms.

Angel, Odd was about to start crying again. He was really awake.

What is it? He mumbled as he snuggled into Odds shoulder.

“I-I,” Odd pulled Angel in a tight hug. Angel could feel tears burn into his shoulder, from where Odd’s head now layed.

“Odd,” Angel used the little energy he had left to his hand and pat Odd’s head, “What’s wrong? You shouldn’t be crying so much.” He could feel Odd’s tears die down as he felt Odd squeeze him tighter.

“I’m sorry,” Odd mumbled.

“‘S okay,” Angel was fading again. This time he didn’t know if he would wake back up so he fought with his lids as much as possible.

“Angel,” Odd pulled his head up placed his hands on to Angel’s face, stroking his cheeks earning him a deep blush. Even though Angel’s skin was pale and scared he could still blush. Odd slowly leaned in and tried to place a small kiss into Angel’s lips. Angel’s pushed them apart.

“You can’t,”

“Why?” Angel could hear a hurt tone in Odd voice.

“I-I…could pass a virus to you..”

“I don’t care!” Odd pushed his lips onto Angel’s for a short second, giving Angel a moment to adjust to what happened.

“Why did you take that risk.” Angel forced his face from Odd’s grip. He turned his face to the wall. Odd’s eyes made his body feel even more pain.

“Angel, you should know by now.” Odd got up off the floor pulling Angel up. Just as Angel stood, his legs gave out sending him to the floor. He was ready for the impact until he felt strong arms hold him up, “Be careful.”

“I know.”

“You can’t walk can you?”

“Thank you captain obvious.”

“No need to be evil, I just want to help.” Odd kneeled to the ground and motioned for Angel to get on.

“I can walk.” Angel said though gritted teeth.

“I’m not buying that,” Odd saw his face over his shoulder. Angel scowled but obliged and got onto Odd’s back. He buried his face into Odd’s back, “And no I don’t think your weak. You wanted to protect everyone. But it’s my fault.” He started walking.

“I’m sorry.” Odd shook his head ‘no’.

“I don’t like you apologizing.”

“But-” Angel was cut off.

“NO! It was my fault let it go. I should have skipped class. I could have stayed and made sure you were ok…then you wouldn’t be in this place…in this condition..”

“Not your problem.” Angel mumbled

“It is”





“Was it your fault that I got sick in the first place.”


“To hell with your self pity! It’s not your fault! If I got hit with a bus or thrown into the digital sea,” They both flinched at the thought but Angel continued, “Then it’s not your fault!”

“But I’ll still feel bad and think ‘I could have saved you'”

Angel gave a sigh of defeat. he wasn’t going to win, “I hate how boyfriends think.”

“I’m taking whatever pity and hate that I can to make up for it.” Angel kicked Odd, “Hey!”

“Shut up please.”

“You feel tired.”

“Another stupid remark and I’ll hit you.” Angel could hear Odd smirk at the comment.

“Same old Angel.”

“Yeah, but I’m really tired so…”

“I’ll shut up.”

“Thank you.” Angel fell asleep as Odd kept walking towards there friends.

-End Chapter 18-

Claire-chan: YAY! DONE!!


Angel: Stop it!

Claire-chan: But it’s fun!

Odd: Go die in a ditch.

CLaire-chan: ITS DEATH NOTE TIME -pulls out deathnote-

Odd: -cowers in fear- AHAHAHAHA!!

Angel: R&R everyone

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