Code Lyoko Hentai

Code Lyoko Porn Story: The brother I never had – Chapter 26

Code Lyoko Porn Story: The brother I never had – Chapter 26

Claire-chan: I’m really bored today. (I AM SOOOO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN A WHILE! Life has been throwing me so many things that I’ve lost track of time. -.-U….And to make up for it I’m making a nice long Odd and Angel scene for the readers……..As a sorry….-.- Please forgive me. )

Odd: Riiight

Angel: -sigh- will you two not fight for one chapter in your life.

Odd: ….NO!

Claire-chan: Why does the author have to stoop down to the level of the workers. -pout-

Odd: -.-U…go to hell….

Claire-chan: I vacation there…

Angel: -.-U….

Chapter 26

ODD! I have to do something before he gets killed. Angel was about to summon his wings until he sensed someone behind him. Rolling out the way Angel knocked the replika into the wall before jumping over the side of the stairs.

As Angel’s wings grew he noticed Odd’s body ten flights below. He almost cringed as he noticed Odd wasn’t moving. He must have hit some of the stairs trying to get back over.

Angel landed next to Odd trying to figure out what was wrong with him. He moved his hand over Odd’s head making sure there was no broken virtual bones. A small groan was his reply. He could tell that Odd’ hit his head pretty hard.

Is everyone okay? Angel sighed with relief as he heard Jeremie’s voice.

Yes we’re okay Jeremie. We can’t find Angel or Odd though. Angel sighed again as he heard Aelita’s voice.

I’m right here with Odd, but he’s not moving… He trailed off, staring at Odd’s body. Please move Odd. Just as Angel moved Odd’s body he heard a few mumbled curse words. Thank you, he’s alive. With a smile on his face he sat Odd against the wall.

I think you hit a stair or two when you fell.

Odd rubbed his head slightly trying to ease the pain. Ow…ow…ow…

That’s what you get for falling over the railing and dropping over two floors.


Next time be more careful. Angel gave Odd a small peck on the cheek. He jumped. What? Did I do something wrong?

You’re the fake one!

HUH?! Angel punched Odd’s arm; making sure not to hit his already aching head; he stood up with his fist clenched. SO I’M A REPLIKA?! I THINK YOU’VE HIT YOUR HEAD HARDER THEN WE THOUGHT! SCREW YOU! Angel pouted crossing his arms and turning his back to Odd.

Odd let out a small sigh and wrapped his arms around Angel’s waist. He smirked as he noticed Angel’s face become red.Never mind….You’re the real one.

Angel sighed with relief, laying his already hurting head onto Odd’s shoulder, Don’t worry me like that….I…I almost had a heart attack when…you didn’t move. He felt Odd’s arms tighten more. And… He trailed off, turning away from Odd’s embrace. I don’t want him too see me cry.

Odd noticed what he was about to do and grabbed Angel’s wrist pulling him back towards him, Angel…tell me… He staggered off the wall, trying to keep enough strength to hang onto Angel.

Angel turned back staring into Odd’s eyes. He took a deep breath trying to stop the tears. I…I….almost thought I lost you…. he mumbled the rest out as he raised his arm to wipe the tears forming in his eyes.

Angel… Odd moved a bit closer pressing a small kiss to his forehead.

It’s okay… Odd started to bit his lip as he watched Angel continue crying. He couldn’t stand to watch his hands curl into his shirt, trying to keep his balance from the tears that burned his eyes. Odd had enough.

I…I should be- Angel’s words were sealed by a hard kiss press to his lips. He pulled himself closer to Odd deepening the kiss. He felt his face get hotter as Odd’s hands seeked to tangle themselves in his hair. Angel’s lips opened to give him more room, feeling Odd lick across his bottom lip. How long has it been since I’ve kissed him like this.


Odd? Angel opened the door to his room to see a sleeping, Odd on his bed. He laughed slightly to himself as he quietly closed the door. He made his way for the bed making a spot for himself on the floor. He sat beside the bed for a while watching Odd sleep.

It had been a whole 2 days since he had last seen Odd because Angel had been away on a trip with the art club visiting different art museums I guess he really wanted to see me that bad. He thought to himself as he brushed a stray hair from Odd’s face.

Angel? Odd rubbed his eyes sleepily. He looked over at Angel and smiled. Looks like a feel asleep. Sorry for taking over your bed. Odd sat up to see Angel better.

It’s no problem. The beds already half yours to begin with. Angel laughed again to him self as he watch Odd blush.You sat here waiting for me to come back huh?

Huh? Odd’s blush deepened. M-maybe I was…Hey! Why are you picking on me!

Because you’re sleeping on my bed. Angel crawled onto the bed pulling Odd with him. Besides that I’m really sleepy and someone is crowding the whole bed.

Angel? Odd pulled Angel in a tight embrace. I missed you. Odd leaned forwards to catch Angel’s lips. He gripped his hands behind Angel’s head tracing his tounge across his bottom lip. Angel gasped in shock but opened up to Odd letting him kiss him deeper.

Me too. Angel said between breaths for air. You’ve never kissed me like that before.

Odd smirked, Maybe I really missed you.

Angel felt his blush grow, Or you could be trying to distract me from picking on you.

W-what? I’d never do that. Heh heh. Angel could tell Odd was bluffing but shrugged it off as he fell into a deep sleep.

-End Flash back-

Odd pulled them apart to watch Angel gasp for air. From what he could tell Angel seemed okay from his guilt trip. Are you okay now? His only reply was a nod. Angel please speak to me.

I….just want… protect you….and everyone else……and just from today…..I couldn’t do anything. Angel gritted his teeth. He clenched his fist in anger as he pushed Odd away. It’d be better if you guys never found me.

Angel? Odd reached his hand forward to grab onto Angel. He caught a hold of his hand.

I’m serious! All of this is happening because of my weakness! Angel started walked away down the stairs towards the closest doorway. We should get you back to everyone else. Odd relucently followed trying to keep up with Angel’s silence.

-Two Floors Later-

Angel! Don’t put yourself down like this! He shouted, successfully stopping Angel in his tracks. Angel turn around a look at me. Odd grabbed a hold of his wrist, pulling him closer.



Let me go. Angel tried his best to pull his wrist free but to no surprise, Odd didn’t let go.Distance…That’s what I need right now…..

I’m not letting you go. Odd held onto him tighter. If you won’t look and talk to me, I’ll do the talking.

Fine with me….but we should keep going.

Fine. Odd kept his eyes on Angel as he rounded another corner. I wanted to asked you….am I holding you back?


I asking am I holding you back?

Why? Angel gritted his teeth. Why of all time now did Odd want to be so observant.

You’re reaction now. If…..All this time I’ve been looking out for you no matter what. I don’t care that you couldn’t protect me! What ever I did I was trying to protect you but….. Odd trailed off.

Angel couldn’t stand Odd being silent. He tried to press for more.But….

I’ve been thinking…After what you said I’m just causing you more and more pain. That’s not something I should be doing in the first place. It’s just that….. Odd paused taking a deep breath. Hm…I just doing know anymore.

Odd…..I think I understand what your saying. Angel stopped walking to look back at him. I get frustrated everyday to realize that I’ve been thinking about you all day. Worry that you are alright. Wondering what your doing at that moment. Aggravated to be away from your touch.

Yeah…that…… Odd smiled. I guess you know exactly what to say don’t you?

Yeah. I’m the one with the brains in this relationship remember! Angel laughed as he watched Odd pout.

You’re a mean one you know that. He flicked Angel’s nose. But there’s one thing you missed from that statement.

Angel rubbed his nose. And what is that oh wise one.

Odd leaned forward brushing his lips on Angel’s, You’re missing ‘I love you.’

HUH?! Angel blushed backing away slightly. Maybe we should go. Angel backed away from Odd and ran down the path.

Odd laughed and made his best impression of a girl; while trying to run after him. Hey! I just said ‘I love you’ and you go and run away! Come back here and take it like a man! You don’t stomp on a girls confession like this! Angel.

Leave me alone. Angel laughed running faster.

Got you! Odd grabbed hold of Angel’s arm, looping his with his. You can’t run from stalkers like me.

Angel started to grip his stomach trying to suppress his loud laughter. He calmed himself down long enough to call Odd’s name.

Hm? What’s wrong Angel? Odd nuzzled his cheek onto Angel’s arm.

Thank you.

No problem. It’s my job remember? Angel nodded his head pulling Odd along.

As they walked neither of them noticed the figure following them.

-A little competition never hurts once in a while right Odd-

End Chapter 26-

Claire-chan: YAY! Another chapter written (I’m finally off my little Hiatus! Yesh! Sorry really….I’m even trying to write more chapters and finish this series up….because I’ve started another and I even drew pics for this one…..((once I get a scanner You’ll see them…))

Odd: L-A-Z-Y

Angel: -.-U Please don’t start……

Claire-chan: XP. I hope you’re the uke!

Angel and Odd: -GASP!-

Odd: -faints-

Angel: O-o R&R you guys.

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