Code Lyoko Hentai

Code Lyoko Porn Story: The Origin System – Chapter 6

Code Lyoko Porn Story: The Origin System – Chapter 6

Glow: I sincerly apologize for how short it is. But that’s the price to pay if you want quicker updates. Anywho…

Verdana and Viv: -eyes bulging out still- Oooo…aaaahhh… -salivating at something-

Glow: -shoves them off to the side- Okay, so now you finally get to find out what all of the comotion is about..

Ulrich: Damn, has anyone seen my ————

Glow: Don’t give anything away! Let them read!

Chapter 6: Secrets Hidden, Secrets Found

Odd and Verdana both picked up a gun and holster. They were laser pistols that were deadly in the wrong hands. We are gonta to be practicing a silent technique for assassination that will let ye remain undiscovered. Watch. S.A.L. flipped the gun out of his holster, swung it around his pointer finger on one of his hands, blew away the target, and spun it back into its holster in one smooth and silent motion.

Its kinda wild west. Odd whispered to Verdana.

Mr. CatDemon, do you have something to add? S.A.L. asked. Perhaps youd like to be our first volunteer. Odd paled.

S.A.L. stepped aside to let Odd come up. Do na worry if ye do na do it right the first time. Odd swallowed and tried to duplicate the movement. He managed to get the gun out smoothly, but he totally missed the target and the gun went spinning off his finger when he tried to spin it back in.

Good, now I want ye to work on yer aiming to start with, then work on the putting back in when you can shoot a hole through the exact center of the target twenty times in a row. S.A.L. said, pushing Odd to another section of the field.

Verdana was up next. Of course, she did it perfectly. Well, as perfect as a human can get it. Lassie, ye need to work on yer targeting too. Yer just a wee bit off. She joined Odd in the other section of the field.

T.H.I.L. stepped up next. He managed to get the gun out, hit the target dead center, but it spun away from him on the return to the holster. Okay, ye stand over there an practice the movement.

VENO came after, looking just a little frightened. His hand was shaking so badly that he couldnt even get it out of the holster. Hed had a gun malfunction by him once and it nearly decapitated him. Naturally, he wasnt anxious to repeat the experience. With a sigh, SAL took the gun from him, removed something and ordered VENO to practice the movement.

GULE went last, slightly wary of the gun, but attempting to mirror SALs movement exactly. He got close. At the very end, the gun barrel caught on the edge of the holster and flew out of his grip. He was instructed to work on the movement with THIL and VENO. After him, TEKI and EDUS managed to do extremely poor and were sent away from the rest of the class to work in a corner so they couldnt do any accidental damage to anyone else.

Odd, meanwhile, wasnt having any better luck than before with targeting. But he did succeed in putting shots through almost dead center. Hey SAL! Im done! SAL came to investigate.

These are na dead center.

Odd stared mouth open, incredulous. But thats impossible! No one can hit dead center!

SAL looked at him strangely. Perhaps you are off because you need a calibration, he said finally.

Odd was ready to object, but he caught a look from Verdana. How am I supposed to be calibrated here, then?

I shall arrange a meeting with the Master. For now, just move on. SAL walked off.


Ulrich and Yumi were waiting expectantly along with the rest of their form. KAJI came in holding a large crate. Curious, they moved leaned forward to see what was in it. There were a number of small boxes, seemingly innocent.

KAJI began his lecture. Basically, all you need to create a decent explosion is any one of these individual codes. But by mixing them together illegally, it creates a much bigger BOOM! So I will hand you out one box of each type of codes. I want you to mix them any way you want to create new explosives. Then, we will go to the practice fields and test. The one who creates the biggest and best explosion possible will receive their own set of boxes to keep. Now begin. He passed out the boxes, 5 to each person.

Yumi peeked into one. Each code was a tiny sphere. Now that she knew what to do with them, she looked at the code to determine how strong each explosion would be. Based on that information, and a little help from her chemistry class, she was able to cobble together a couple different bombs. They were still relatively small compared to the other students. A couple of them were just creating a huge bomb with a little of everything. She smiled to herself, she knew it wouldnt work as they wanted it to.

Ulrich was struggling along, simply locating and mashing together random codes. He didnt think he even had a chance. His finished bomb ended up about the size of a tennis ball and a bright silver color.

After about ten minutes, time being haywire in the virtual world, KAJI had them stop. Yumi gathered up her five small bombs and Ulrich his one. They went outside into the practice field. It was scarred and pitted where various explosions had taken place. This was obviously the Demolition practice field.

Now, were gonna start with NATE, then GIAC, then Yumi, then TELA, and finally Ulrich. NATE shuffled forward. He produced his massive ball of codes. He lobbed it across the field. It landed and produced a dainty little pop. He grinned sheepishly.

GAIC stepped forward next. He held two. Once was tiny, made up of two codes. The other was slightly smaller than NATEs, but still quite large. The bigger one produced a lot of flashy lights, but, nothing more than a quiet bang for the sound. His small one was pretty spectacular though. To say the least, it made a box of dynamite look like party poppers. You know, the ones that shoot streamers out of them.

Yumi watched apprehensively as GIACs second bomb went off. Stiffly, she moved forward and catapulted her first bomb. It was the one she knew would have the least effect. Still, it created a nice explosion. She tossed her second one. It wasnt very bright, but it had a lot of bang. Literally. It went something like this: BBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!

The third bomb was the brightest by far, but was totally silent. KAJI looked at her and pondered how she had gotten that to work. The fourth was moderately bright and moderately loud. The fifth and final onewas spectacular. Enough said.

TELA had two bombs, both rather large. She lobbed them together, intending for them to hit in midair. It worked, but the explosion was sucked in upon itself for some reason. It formed a black hole, essentially.

Ulrich nervously stepped forward. He was braver now that hed seen how bad some of the others had gone. He bounced the bomb up and down in his hand for a bit, then casually tossed it away from the group. It was even more spectacular then Yumis if that were possible. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM! The shockwave lifted them clear off the ground and sent them flying several meters. Then the explosion retracted itself back into the silver ball it had begun in.

Everyone was stunned. The approached the edge of the huge black crater cautiously. At the very bottom sat the original bomb. KAJIs eyes were practically popping out of his head. These two strange people had created things no one, not even himself as a student, had come up with, ever. A reusable bomb. How interesting. Pick it up and keep it. Im not sure who to award the boxes of code to, so it goes to both Ulrich and Yumi, for their creative displays and ingenuity. He handed them each a set of boxes.

On the way back to the classroom Yumi asked, Howd you do it? Howd you make it?

Ulrich looked as confused as she felt. I have no clue. I was just mashing random things together and hoping for a mediocre result.

Yumi smiled, then kissed him on the cheek. Even when you have no clue whats going on, you still come out on top.


Viv tapped her fingers angrily on the table top as she waited for DOVA to appear. Jeremy was leaning back in his chair, arms crossed across his chest. He looked thoroughly bored. ITEC was sitting straight backed, like a good little student.

Finally, DOVA appeared. Today, we are going to watch a .avi. Viv looked completely confused, like DOVA had spoken in Greek or something.

Jeremey leaned over and whispered, A .avi file is a movie file. Were gonna watch a movie.

We are supposed to watch this .avi, she held up a diskette. She tossed it away. But instead of that boring teaching program, were going to watch actual footage of how these techniques dont really work.

The lights dimmed. They watched how the techniques failed time and time again to protect. There was one segment at the end that showed a person surviving, but only because the protector wasnt in the right spot.

On the report over this last segment, it was claimed that the target would not have been put in as much danger if the protector had followed regulation. As you can see, though, this was not true. From the position of the assassin, it is clear that if the protector had not been standing in the wrong place, the target would undoubtedly be deleted. The whole purpose of this lesson it to tell you why NOT to use these techniques.

Jeremy and Viv were studying the assassin on the screen. TRON! he blurted out.

Mr. KnightCommander?

Um, you know that assassin on the screen? That was TRON. We ran into him earlier this year.

You ran into the Masters lackey? And why would he be the one on the screen? It makes no sense.

He works for the Master?

DOVA stared, incredulous. You didnt know?!


Oh. Sorry. She leaned in to study to picture better. Hey! WTF! It is him!

-Language, language. Teachers arent supposed to talk like that- Jeremy thought, faintly amused.

Ooooh. TRON pissed me off so much when he was in my class. Now, I am so going to kill him!

Jeremy thought this was shaping up to be a pretty entertaining day.


Manuel, Santino and Q were wandering about, popping into various classrooms of the younger students, much to the annoyance of the instructors. “Hey, guys, you wanna see something awesome?” Q asked after a while.

Santino shrugged. “Sure. Anything as long as it’s better than wandering around.”

“I promise. Just wait till you see.” She took off in the direction of the entrance hall. She approached the edge and used a bunch of cleverly set up boxes (she put them there) to jump up onto the roof. Santino and Manuel followed, extremely curious now.

“This way.” she pointed up to the roof of one of the lowest towers. They made their way to the roof of the tallest tower. They could see for miles and the beautiful world the academy was located in. Curious, Santino tried to step off. It didn’t work. “There’s a shield around the academy to keep the students from escaping. Believe me, I’ve tried so many times to get out. If you noticed when you came in, there are no doors to enter the entrance hall from the outside.” Q told them.

“I wonder if we blew a hole in the wall where there should be a door, we could get out.” Manuel mused.

Q and Santino sat on the edge. Casually, he stretched and put his arm behind her. She didn’t notice a thing. Manuel rolled his eyes. Santino was an amateur at this. Using one of the lamest tricks in the book.


Jordan and Aelita were following SEKU to their classroom. Of the nine towers and entrance hall, they ended up in the highest room in the tallest tower. Sounds kinda fairy tale like, huh? But I can assure you, there was nothing fairy tale about the Masters class.

In fact, his class was a joke. Absolutely nothing was learned. Basically all it was, was a class in how to get the most from your underlings. Aelita found herself dropping off as the Master droned on.

Jordan wasn’t fairing much better. The Master’s voice was making him exhausted, but he could not sleep. Every time he laid his head on the table in front of him, the Master smacked his head. AIMA looked pleased at this, but just a bored as everyone else.

SEKU looked a little worried by the attention that the Master was giving Jordan. He didn’t want to see such a strong-minded person turn into what TIEC had: a brainless slave. He sighed and settled into a more comfortable position. It was a long time till dinner.


“WHAT!!!! Are you serious?! We don’t get lunch?!” Odd exclaimed, incredulous.

“Nope. Two meals a day. Your family must come from a very rich system in order to provide enough energy for three meals a day. Most people only eat one.” THIL said, utterly confused.

Verdana elbowed Odd in the stomach. Hard. “Don’t draw attention to ourselves. They’ll kill us if they suspect we are humans.” she hissed at him. “You remember what SHANIL said.”

“Well, THIL. You see, I get three meals on my birthday. Which happens to be today.”


“Creation date. It’s a grand celebration in our system.” Verdana stepped in to salvage the situation.

THIL shrugged unconcernedly. “Whatever. You people sure are weird. Not that that’s a bad thing.” He held up his hands in defense as Verdana rounded on him, fists at the ready.

THIL retreated slowly. “We have break now, for five minutes. Take the rest. You’ll need it.”

“By the way, Verdana, what did you pick up from TEKI,” Odd asked curiously, remembering it for the first time.

“It was really confusing. But I managed to catch from the conversation that they’re planning to jump Jordan tonight. He’s a threat to them for some reason I can’t figure.”

They went back to practice. Bored with the target practice, he focused in on TEKI and EDUS. Cunningly, he fired two laser arrows at them. Both hit their mark: the backsides of TEKI and EDUS as they bent down to pick up the gun. They yelped and looked around. Verana rolled her eyes. “Boys,” she muttered, not unkindly.

Ulrich: Well, now that you’ve read the chapter, has anyone seen my reusable bomb?

Glow: -looks supisciously innocent- No…

Ulrich: -dryly- Right.

Glow: Yep…I think I saw Odd wandering around with it…

Odd: -pokes head in- Leave me outta this! I’ve already sustained way too many injuries because of you. I just got out of the hospital. I don’t want to go right back in, thank you very much.

Verdana: That was your fault…you pissed off the girls.

-explosion in background- Everyone: GLOW!

Glow: Sorry…it was too good an oppotunity to pass up.

Jordan: Whaddya say we dump her in the pool?

Everyone else: Sure! -pick up Glow, take her outside, and dump her unceremoniously in the pool-

Glow: I’ll get you for this! -smiles deviously- Oh yeah! They pissed off the wrong author! I might have to cause some accidents…-walks away, still smiling deviously-

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