Code Lyoko Hentai

Code Lyoko Porn Story: The Origin System Chapter 5

Code Lyoko Porn Story: The Origin System Chapter 5

Glow: I know I promised I would update sooner. Sorry it took so long. Life got in the way.

Verdana: At least it is relatively long.

Glow: well, it would have to be!

Viv: then lets get on with it shall we?

Chapter 5: More Summer Classes!

Verdana and Odd followed S.A.L. to a tiny room. “This be where I take yer weapons and yeh download the uniform.”

Verdana looked at Odd, a worried frown on her face. “I don’t think that will be possible. We can’t download the uniform.”

“Tha’s strange, lassie. Is there a reason?”

“Programing limits.” she said, offering a remorseful smile.

“Ah well. I’ll be take’n yer weapons then.”

Odd spoke up this time. “I don’t have any weapons you can take.”

“I still mus search yeh.” S.A.L. examined the boy in front of him. He has a purple teardrop in the center of his blond hair. Two purple triangle sat above his eyebrows and off towards his temples. He had a black sleeveless top with a bit of pink covering his stomach. His arms were covered in a lighter purple, ending with large paws, green spot in the center. The top of his arms and hands were covered in small green stripes. His purple and black pants, complete with yellow knee protectors, ended over his yellow shoes. A purple tail with thin green stripes hung from his backside, with spikes sticking out from the bottom. S.A.L. was forced to conclude that Odd did not have any weapons. “Tha’s strange.” he muttered to himself. This was a first. How did this boy survive attacks?

“Yeh then, lassie.” S.A.L. moved on to Verdana. She handed over he bow and quiver without a word. Odd knew it was because she had many more weapons stashed away. S.A.L. wouldn’t find her sharp throwable objects because they seemed to appear from thin air. Her chain he just passed over as a broken necklace. An energy ball you couldn’t really take away. “Wha’s this, lassie?” S.A.L. asked, pointing to her boomerang that had somehow folded up, forming a stick.

“That’s my fan. No razor edges, I promise. Surely you wouldn’t deny a girl her few comforts?” Odd admired the way the lie flowed off her tongue. Even a lie detector couldn’t have picked it up.

“Well, since yeh can na download the uniform, I’ll be take’n yeh to the dormitory.” S.A.L. led the way, observing the girl. She had an affinity for purple, just like the boy. Her dark purple hair was tied up in two braids. She had a dress of the same color that came down to mid thigh. She had tan leggings and soft leather calve high boots of dark purple.

He opened up a door and gestured them in. Inside waited five other students, all in the uniform and all boys. “Hey, how come they don’t have to wear the uniform?!” one of them asked.

“And what’s a girl doing in here?” asked another, noticing Verdana.

She glared angrily at him. Odd had felt the brunt of her anger before and was not anxious to repeat that time. So, naturally he felt moment of pity for the boy. But it didn’t last long. I just thought I’d mention it. “What else do you think I’m here for, idiot!” she snapped.

That shut him up. “I’m sure tha yeh’ll all get along jus fine, lads. Now respect the lassie, or I’ll be kick’n yeh out.” S.A.L. said with a smile as he shut the door behind him.

Verdana looked at the bunks. There were two with a definite softer mattresses. And they both sat under the only window in the room. Verdana walked over and sat on the one to the left. Odd, following suit jumped on the one to the right.

The boy Verdana had snapped at made a protesting sound. “That’s my bed, girl. Get off!”

“I have a name, boy. And, it’s my bed now. Tough luck.” she said, hint of a smile playing around her lips. The boy, his grey skin and yellow hair glowing as he grew angry, turned and stalked out of the room, trailed by another boy, with pale green skin and pale blue hair.

The five remaining roommates waited until the sound of his ranting faded off down the hall. “Wow.” said the boy who had noticed their lack of uniforms. He had bright golden skin and black hair. “You got him out of here fast. Not bad for a noob. I’m T.H.I.L. by the way. And you are?”

“I’m Verdana and this is Odd.”

“Strange names. Anyway, you seem adept at T.E.K.I. torture 101.” Odd gathered that T.E.K.I. was the boy that they had angered and that he was kind of like the Sissi of the group.

“We’ve had practice. Trust me.” Odd said, winking at Verdana. She caught his meaning and laughed.

T.H.I.L. nodded to the other two boys. “That’s V.E.N.O. and G.U.L.E. That little wimp that follows T.E.K.I. around is E.D.U.S. You’ll enjoy this class, it’s the only one that allows you to actually use all sorts of weapons and it takes place outside.”


K.A.J.I. led Yumi and Ulrich into a small room. “I gotta do a weapons check unfortunately.” He looked them over. He passed over Yumi’s fans and chopstick spears. All that caught his eye was Ulrich’s sword, sheathed in his scabbard. “I’ll be taking that sword. Can’t have you slicing things up, now can we?”

Yumi spoke up before he could touch the sword. “It’s just for decoration. It’s part of the look. It doesn’t even come out of the scabbard.” To show K.A.J.I., she reached over and pulled on the sword. She made it seem as though she was pulling really hard, when in truth she was holding it in. After a few minutes struggle, K.A.J.I. held up his hand to stop her.

“Okay, I believe you. No need to hurt yourself.”

Yumi, wondering what they did with people with mental powers asked the question that had been filling her mind. “What happens if you have a mental ability?”

K.A.J.I. looked at her strangely. “No one has those kind of abilities.” Ulrich and Yumi exchanged looks. This meant that Yumi’s telekinesis and Ulrich’s supersprint, triangulate, and triplicate powers stayed safely hidden.

K.A.J.I. then attempted to get them into the uniform, but it didn’t work too well. In fact, it created more of a mess in that room than there was to begin with. Let’s just say it was a pretty nice fireworks show. Yep, that about sums it up.

Next their Form leader took them to the dorm, where the rest of the students waited, having gone there while Yumi and Ulrich were off getting weapons-checked. The purple and yellow girl pointed one of her long tentacle fingers at a bed. Ulrich, being a gentleman, allowed Yumi the bed and took the one across from it.

“You’re gonna love Demolition. We’ve got the best job here. I’m .E.” said the black and white boy, sitting on his bed. “That’s Nano Artificial Technological Entity. Sounds complicated, don’t it?”

“Stop boring them with you technical talk, dude. I’m sure they’ll just want to rest. Ignore N.A.T.E. I’m G.A.I.C.” the green and blue boy said, lightly punching N.A.T.E. on his shoulder. He had a huge smile on his face, so they knew it was a good-natured joke.

The girl stood up, mischievous look in her eyes. She snuck up behind G.A.I.C. and her tentacle fingers elongated. Standing back a few feet, she pinned his arms to his side. “Hey! I told you not to do that anymore!” G.A.I.C. exclaimed sharply.

“As you can tell, we’re all one big family here. Lots of sibling rivalry going on.” she laughed and began spinning G.A.I.C. around. “I’m T.E.L.A., the mother/sister of the family.”

Ulrich and Yumi realized that leaving wasn’t going to be as easy as they had thought. They were growing attached to these strange people, whose enthusiasm was contagious. They might even have fun here, something they never expected.

Yumi thought back to their entrance and realized that there had been another blue and green boy, only paler, but the same way of combination. “G.A.I.C., do you by any chance have a brother?”

G.A.I.C.’s face turned into a disgusted look. “You must mean E.D.U.S. Yeah, he’s my brother, but I’m ashamed to be related to an idiotic wimp like him. Honestly, the way he trails after T.E.K.I., like a lost puppy, is sickening.” he gave a shudder.

“I was just curious. But forget I ever mentioned it.” Yumi said in an attempt to lighten the steadily darkening atmosphere.

G.A.I.C. brightened. “Well, you had no way of knowing. It’s not your fault. Anyway, I can’t wait till tomorrow. That’s when we get down to the real demolitions. After we learn how to make them, of course.”


“Well this is bloody brilliant!” Viv muttered angrily to herself.

Jeremy, hearing her, muttered back, “Do you think I’m enjoying this?”

Viv glared at him. “What do you propose we do about this then?”

“The best way to get out of places like this, is to get expelled. So, we find out what’s against the rules and do it.” Jeremy whispered after a moment.

“That might work. At least, I hope it will.” Viv said back as they rounded the final curve of the spiral staircase.

“Right now, you being the last applicants, we only have one other student. I’m sure you’ll find him quite nice.” D.O.V.A. told her two new “special” students. – -At least they’ll be easier to work with than that brainwashed Idiot I have now.- –

“The brainwashed Idiot” was a navy skinned boy with silver hair named I.T.E.C. D.O.V.A. recalled what he had been like before the Master had called him into his office. He had been mutinously angry that he would not be with his best friend. The Master had noticed and called him in. When he had come out, he was a totally placid, servant type. For the billionth time, D.O.V.A. wished she knew what went on in that office, herself never having been brought there.

Meanwhile, Jeremy and Viv were discussing various things that may be against the rules. “Graffiti is always against the rules. No school wants that kind of art decorating their walls.” argued Jeremy.

“Maybe in human schools, but this is a virtual school for heaven’s sake! Who knows what kind of crazy rules they have here. They might even encourage graffiti! And based on what I’ve seen so far, the rules are probably stupid like: don’t wear mismatched socks or don’t forget to have your uniform on. Junk like that.” Viv pointed out.

“True. We will at least have to wait a little while to figure wout how we’re gonna get expelled.” Jeremy remarked as D.O.V.A. steered them through a doorway. They had entered a room that was nearly empty, save for a few random boxes.

“I hope this isn’t where we sleep.” Viv said anxiously.

D.O.V.A. smiled. “No. Though we are considered “below”, we still have some pretty sweet sleeping arrangements. I’m just supposed to check for weapons and have you download the uniform.”

“We may have a problem with the uniform thing.” Jeremy said uneasily. Having programmed some of the virtual forms himself, he knew that it was unlikely they’d be able to download the uniform.

“Oh. And what might that be?” D.O.V.A. asked skeptically, hands on her hips.

“The programming I did…I mean…Our programming doesn’t allow for that.” Jeremy said.

D.O.V.A. looked as though she did not believe him. – -The story sounds plausible, but something doesn’t quite ring true. But, considering how strange their names are, it’s possible they are different in other ways as well. – –

“Okay then. Weapons time.” Viv handed over her swords and Jeremy produced a mace from somewhere. It was a wicked looking thing, having a spiked ball hanging from a chain off the handle. “It’s time for you to meet your fellow student. I warn you, his subservient attitude may get on your nerves. Just remember that he wasn’t always that way.” she said and herded them back out the door.

Viv’s first thought when she walked in the door was: – -What’s an old guy doing in here?- – She had seen I.T.E.C. bent over, sitting back to them on his bed.

“I.T.E.C.! I’ve brought the new students!” D.O.V.A. called out to him happily.

The navy skinned boy looked back at them with hollow and soulless eyes. Despite her clam demeanor, those eyes always freaked D.O.V.A. out. And she had seen them on every graduate that left the school. She hadn’t left, so she never had those eyes. And, as always, she wondered how he had gotten them. They had been such a bright pale blue to start with. She backed out of the room, leaving the three classmates to talk.

Viv and Jeremy felt instant pity for I.T.E.C. Viv turned her piercing brown eyes to stare directly into I.T.E.C.’s. As she stared, she saw something flicker in his eyes. They seemed to shine briefly with life. Viv turned quickly.

Jeremy too had seen the strange occurrence and was puzzled. “I wonder what’s really going on here?” he wondered aloud, catching Viv’s eye.

Viv glanced again at the sad, lonely, soulless boy. “Yeah. I wonder.”


Aelita lagged behind the Master and Jordan, reluctant to actually go anywhere. Jordan had no choice, for the Master had his hand around Jordan’s arm. “So my boy. I look forward to sharing with you all my knowledge. I’m sure you will want to speak with A.I.M.A., the nicest of the other students. She will be glad to assist you in any way.”

They were dragged into a small room, where the Master proceeded to search them for weapons. Seeing as Aelita didn’t have any weapons that could be detached from her body, only Jordan’s rod, disks, and slingshot went into a pile. His staff escaped notice, being stashed, in its reduced form, inside a pocket on the inside of his sleeve.

The Master then wrapped one of his arms around each of their shoulders and took them to the dorm.

The Master then wrapped one of his arms around each of their shoulders and took them to the dorm. There were two people inside. A girl with white skin and red hair and a boy with neon green hair and neon purple skin. He reminded them of Odd and Verdana a bit. “A.I.M.A., will you please explain to your new classmates what we will be doing in this class.” he asked the girl.

She nodded sweetly. As soon as the Master was out of earshot, A.I.M.A.’s smile transformed into a sneer. “I don’t have time to waste talking to you. I don’t care If you are royalty. In my opinion, the Newtork Alliance could do without any more princes and princesses.” After this, she walked out of the room. She leaned back in a second later. “Oh, and don’t even bother talking to S.E.K.U. You wouldn’t want to bring your social standing any lower.” Then she disappeared again.

“Wow. Finally some real conversation.” the boy remarked after A.I.M.A. was gone. “In case you weren’t able to guess, I’m S.E.K.U. I’m guessing you two aren’t engaged, just friends and you have friends in Sub-Special Form.”

“Yeah. How’d you guess?” Jordan asked, studying the very perceptive boy.

“My best friend got put there because I’m the equivalent of a Lord’s son and he’s a normal citizen. We used to do everything together, but now, he’s turned so subservient it’s just plain irritating. He saw the Master and turned freaky.”

Aelita grew wide-eyed. She did not want Jeremy to end up like that. And Jordan could not imagine Viv being subservient.

Ignoring this, S.E.K.U. continued on. “I want to free him from his new mindset, but everything I’ve tried doesn’t work.”

“We all have friends in Sub-Special, but does A.I.M.A.?” Aelita asked.

“Well, I’m not supposed to know this, but I followed her one time on her little ‘walks’, and I saw her with this boy from Form 3B. Any fool could see that she was hopelessly in love with him. He’s this ugly little freak, so I’m not sure what she sees in him.”

Jordan snorted. “So she’s a fine one to talk about ‘lowering social status’.” he remarked.

Aelita and S.E.K.U. laughed. “I couldn’t have said it better.” S.E.K.U. conceded. You know, I never expected to make friends here, but it looks like I was wrong.

We didnt either. We expected it to be like hell. Aelita said.

What a good way of describing it. Thats exactly how I felt. And how I.T.E.C. felt too. Before he went all freaky, I mean. Something screwy is gon on here and Im gonna figure out what it is. You wanna help?

Of course. Aelita and Jordan said at the same time.

We better get rest while we can then. Who knows when the opportunity might arise.

THE NEXT MORNING (Well, sort of. Time is a little different there)

Verdana opened her eyes to the sound of a ringing bell. Momentarily confused, she sat up quickly. T.H.I.L. was already up, just like V.E.N.O. and G.U.L.E. Odd, of course, was still asleep.

You might want to get a move on, or youll miss breakfast. T.H.I.L. told her. With a nod, she leapt out of bed. She noticed that T.E.K.I. and E.D.U.S had returned sometime really late and were still snoozing and snoring away. Yes, snoring, very loudly.

Odd mumbled something in his sleep. Verdana happened to catch it and turned a little pink. Odd, wake up, or no food. He mumbled something else.

I really wish I hadnt heard that. Verdana said quietly. Then, wicked smile, creeping across her face, she shook him in mid sentence.

Whas going on? he asked, still bogged down by sleep.

With a shake of her head, Verdana left the room. Whad I miss? Odd yawned.

You know, its really hard to get a good nights rest when some people are talking in their sleep about stuff Id rather not hear about. T.H.I.L. mentioned good-naturedly to Odd. He leaned down and whispered some of the things Odd had been saying into his ear. Odd turned very red.

Did she hear any of it? he asked, cringing.


Whats for breakfast? And more importantly, WHERE is breakfast? Odd said, changing the subject.

Well all go together in a minute. Just let me wake up E.D.U.S. and T.E.K.I. They didnt get up with the wake up bell, so their fair game.

Verdana walked back in. Whats this about waking people up?

Go for it. T.H.I.L. gave her a thumbs up.

She walked over to T.E.K.I.s bed and bent close to his ear. Odd gestured for everyone else to plug their ears. She took a deep breath and screeched right in his ear. It was so loud that if there had been any glass in the room, its shattered pieces would be shattered again.

Odd took an empty tray from where it sat on one of the bedside tables and held it above his T.E.K.I.s head, and counted down the seconds it would take for him to react. WHAM!!! T.E.K.I. slammed into the tray when he jerked his body up into a sitting position.

Amazingly, E.D.U.S. stayed asleep for the whole thing. T.H.I.L body-slammed him. E.D.U.S. woke up, gasping for air and feeling for broken bones.

Okay, off to breakfast now! V.E.N.O. said rubbing his tummy. With that, they all headed down the spiral staircase and out to the eating tower. Once there, they got an energy shake for their meal and joined various other groups to eat.

Verdana and Odd, have dilly-dallied long enough, were to last of the gang to arrive. They spotted the rest of the group over in one of the corners on the first floor. Verdana noticed that only Viv and Jeremy looked unhappy. Apparently everyone else had found cool people in their groups. Viv was sitting next to Jordan, who had his arm around her shoulders. Jeremy was sitting protectively close to Aelita. Ulrich and Yumi were on Viv and Jordans side of the table, so Odd and Verdana sat on Jeremy and Aelitas side.

Hey, has anyone seen Manuel? she asked when the two fo them sat down.

Yeah, he and Santino came by earlier, but went to go sit with Q. Yumi informed Verdana.

Just making sure he didnt get into any trouble.

The rest of the group laughed.

You know that kid thats in your group, Viv? Well, we found out that he went to go see the Master and went all freaky. Something weird is going on here, and one of my roommates wants to help find out what it is. He should be here soon. He doesnt sit with his friend anymore because of what happened. Jordan told the gang.

S.E.K.U. approached the group and sat down on the other side of Jordan. Introductions took place. Nice ta meet you all. Im so sorry you have to put up with I.T.E.C. like this. You would have loved him if you had known him before his…um…mishap.

They talked for a while. Verdana noticed T.E.K.I. and E.D.U.S. walk in and head up the stairs. Ill be right back, I want to trail T.E.K.I. I want to know who he sits with. She crossed the room quickly and followed them up the stairs. They went all the way to the second highest floor. This room was fancier and nicer than the lower floors, with guards at the door.

T.E.K.I. and E.D.U.S. showed passes and were admitted. Verdana watched them go sit with the one of the only people in the room, a white girl with red hair. The only other person in the room was a navy and silver boy, I.T.E.C., obviously.

Verdana tried to get in to hear what they were saying, but was stopped by the guard at the door. Only Special and Sub-Special or those with passes aloud in.

Im sorry. I didnt know. Verdana said innocently. She went a little ways down the staircase, just out of sight around the corner. She made a copy of herself, and made it sound like she had tripped. Then the copy hid behind one of the many trees dotting the side of the staircase. Ahhh!! Help, I think Ive broken my leg! she cried.

The guard reluctantly came down and over to where Verdana lay. He believed that she was really injured, the look she had on her face. – -what a good actress I am- – thought the copy, since it couldnt speak. Taking the opportunity, it slipped up and into the room. Stealthily, it crept close to where T.E.K.I. was talking with the girl. Hiding behind another tree, so as not to be seen, it listened to everything.

The real Verdana was being helped down the stairs by the friendly guard. She noticed that he was only a little older than she was, probably from the last class to graduate. Once they got to talking, the guard, named R.E.S., realized he was starting to like Verdana. He took her over to her table, when she assured him that her leg would heal would heal.

Odd stiffened when he saw the two of them. As soon as Verdana sat down, he put his arm around her shoulders. She gave him a wink, to put his mind at ease, although, he didnt move his arm. R.E.S. smiled charmingly, and walked away. (Verdana rolled her eyes inside her mind at that point.)

The copy on the other hand stood stock still behind the tree. It listened to everything.

Suddenly, a voice came over the loudspeaker. The copy vanished from behind the tree. All students report to their classrooms for morning classes. droned the voice. The others moved, but Verdana sat stock still, absorbing all the information her copy had picked up. Odd waved his hand in front of her face.

Yoo-hoo! Verdana, you awake? She looked up at him.

Yeah, Im fine. I just dont understand everything I picked up. Ill work on it during class.

The two of them sought out the remainder of their form and headed out to the practice field. The practice field was the open area surrounded by the towers. It was divided into four areas, all used to practice different things. Odd and Verdana were on Field 2.

Okay laddies – er, and lassie, were gonta be practicing with guns today. Pick one and lets begin!

Viv: -head smack- why did you have to give Verdana and Odd guns

Verdana: why do YOU care?

Glow: stop bickering and come help me with this. points to new chapter-

Verdana and Viv: -eye pop-

Glow: -laughs evilly- yes, now you have to wait till next time to find out what caused their reaction. A review with all the usuals would be most appreciated. One can only stay up so many nights without caffeine -suppresses Verdana and Viv who are trying to give a spoiler-

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