Code Lyoko Hentai

Code Lyoko Porn Story: The Origin System Chapter 12

Code Lyoko Porn Story: The Origin System Chapter 12

Glow: Ta da! Aren’t you proud of me?

Jordan: -holds knife to back- good…now back away from the computer slowly…

Glow: Alright, alright. I give up. They made me post it, as you can see. -spins around fast and knocks knife out of Jordan’s hand- Prepare to meet my mighty martial arts moves, characters!

Head-In-Clouds (aka Cloudy): Oh boy. -facepalm- read and review, please.

Chapter 12: Godzilla vs. King Kong

“Impossible?! Then what are we doing still standing here?!” Santino asked angrily.

“Well, it’s too late to run away now! It’ll just grab us.” TARO said brightly. “And anyway, a great warrior like yourself knows no such thing as impossible.”

“Heck, I’m no great warrior. I’m a virus. We’re scared of everything. Running away is our prime means of survival,” he said, raising his pointer finger as he made his point.

TARO looked hopefully over at Manuel. He shrugged. “I may have been the worst thing in the Network Alliance, but I’m a yellow-bellied coward, through and through.”

TARO turned his gaze to Jeremy. “Sorry, man, but this is my first time using my weaponsnormally I’m the one up top seeing all that’s going on.”

The village leader looked desperately at Aelita. “Don’t worry, I got power and I know how to use it.”

“Me too.” Q put her equipment away. She leaned forward and instantly turned into some sort of furry creature, with claws, teeth and two long sharp horns are her head. The best way to describe her is a brown fox with over-sized claws and teeth and two horns coming out behind the ears. She snarled at the Ife. Santino went open mouthed, his jaw hanging down to the ground.

“Wha-?” he asked, his mind spinning.

“Come on, Jeremy, you forgot about your crystal. You’ve used it before,” Aelita reminded him.

“Oh yeah, huh. Okay then. Ife, prepare to meet thy doom, foul beast.” Jeremy held out his watch and concentrated on the crystal. To aim, he looked a little below the eyes. “I’m betting if we knock out a couple of its eyes, it’ll be hurt enough to not bother us.” He fired his crystal, yellow light streaming out. It hit the Ife right in one of its eyes.

“See?” Jeremy said, turning his back on the creature and holding out his arms to the rest of them. The Ife roared in pain from all of its mouths. It brought down two of its feet right next to Jeremy. He yelled and fell to the side. “Okay, the eye plan is a very bad idea.”

“We could always cut off as many legs as we could and make it fall down,” Aelita suggested.

“That would be an excellent plan, except the Ife’s legs are armor plated and highly indestructible,” TARO replied, dousing that little flame of hope. They watched as one of the Siden, huge cats with snake bodies for necks and heads, found itself in the Ife’s gaze. It liquefied.

“Holy shit, that’s what you meant! Okay, change of plan, we run. Now.” Manuel took off running. He had only gone two steps when the Ife’s foot crashed down in front of him, throwing up large chunks of virtual dirt. “Whoa!” He started to head back to the group, dodging the Ife’s feet as they attempted to hit him.

“We’ve got to pin the legs,” Q whispered to herself, observing the monster. She called the others. “Guys, we’ve got to pin the legs and tangle them up! I’ll run around, drawing its attention. As soon as a foot lands, spike it down. Trust me, it’s the only way to bring it down.”

But before they could get started, Verdana’s group came sprinting back into the mostly destroyed village, carrying the children. They lookedpanicked. Out of the trees behind them, came another huge, monstrous thing. It looked like a rhino-bat-monkey cross with large claws and nasty teeth. Not to mention the wings that acted like a second set of hands, complete with claws.

Verdana’s group was headed on a collision course with the Ife, not knowing how dangerous it was. Well, I’m pretty sure they got a good idea, though. Come on, if you see something that remotely resembles a giant spider with spiky feet and twice as many mouths with long teeth as eyes, are you going to think it’s a dangerous as a cute little fluffy bunny? Wait, that’s not the best comparisonthose bunnies are dangerous, take it from medangerous and evil. How about as dangerous as a bit of fluff? That sounds better. Anyway, the two groups were probably going to hit each other.

Fortunately, someone on both sides had enough sense to push everyone off to the side. The two monsters met in a clash of flying limbs and various loud noises. “Ah, the Ife has met its mortal enemy, the Orsac,” TARO elaborated. “Only the Orsac’s hide is invulnerable to the liquefying gaze of the Ife.”

“Hey this is like monster movie night back home: Godzilla vs. King Kong. That was one of my favorite movies. You know, I’m surprised they don’t have anything like that in France. That- Okay, I’ll be quiet now.” Odd looked slightly abashed at the looks he was getting. “Right, drawing attention to us equals bad idea. Got it.”

“I notice you keep saying ‘the’ before the creature names. Are those the only ones of their species?” Verdana asked, curious.

“We do not know. We prefer to avoid these monsters whenever possible,” TARO remarked jovially.

“Right. That sounds like a wonderful idea. Why don’t you take the little children and get to the rest of your people while the monsters are distracted. We’re taking the express. Someone was leading those Scrawls, and we said we’d find out who and kill them. We still haven’t done that.”

“It was good to see you, Purple Child, even if your visit was marred by our mistakes. Go and finish your journey. Do it for me.”

“G’bye TARO. See you again. Now go.” TARO nodded and gathered up the gaggle of children, guiding them into the trees. “Yo, gang! We are leaving. Now.” Everyone but Odd gathered around her.

“But I wanna see the monster fight!” Odd moaned. Rolling their eyes, Verdana and Viv grabbed his arms and dragged him backwards to the rest of the group. Verdana created the portal and they all jumped into it (or, in Odd’s case, dragged through).

Somewhere else in the network, the five shadowy beings were inside their base. One, backed by three others was admonishing the fifth. “You idiot! Imbecile! Fool! I knew you were going to mess this up. You are so incapable of doing anything! Now they got away! It is all your fault! At least I can still salvage this. You have caused nothing but problems since the beginning. You,” she pointed at another of the shadowy figure, a male like the one cowering at her feet. “You will stop them, but do not hurt them unless you absolutely must. And no killing them either. Go.” He bowed and disappeared.

“I was hoping not to do this. It loses the Lord a system, but your incompetence has forced me to. Obliterate that system. Wipe it completely off the network. I don’t want to see a single trace of it left.” She faced a screen on which the whole network was displayed as another of the figures pressed a button. The point of light that represented that system blinked, then vanished.

Verdana was looking at exactly the same thing on her remote. She noticed the light had disappeared. “Oh no. TARO,” she said, her eyes wide.

TARO was watching the monster battle with the rest of his village, just inside the tree line. There was a flash, off in the far distance. One of the children pointed and said, “Lookey!” The Ife and the Orsac stopped fighting to watch it. A wave of destruction ripped through the system, erasing it completely.

“No,” TARO muttered as he faced the oncoming storm, knowing there was no way they would be saved. “Not now.”

Glow: -fighting with characters in background- I can write you all into corners and leave you there!

Cloudy: Um…Glow is busy, so I’ll be doing the end thingy. -picks up paper- Ahem. Glow is going to leave you all stuck with your minds going in circle trying to guess what’s going to happen next! What?! No! That includes me! -chases after Glow too-

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