Code Lyoko Hentai

Code Lyoko Porn Story: Jerlita False Start Fic – Chapter 1

Code Lyoko Porn Story: Jerlita False Start Fic – Chapter 1

is that a scanner? asked the pink-haired girl to her companion.

not exactly Follow me! exclaimed the blond boy, gently dragging
the girl into the booth. The girl chuckled from the short run as her
friend fished a couple two euro coins from his pocket.

what is it? the girl insisted. Her friend slid the coins into a

a kind of machine that takes pictures. See that? he pointed to a
black camera lens poking out of the otherwise cream colored wall,
Thats what sees whats going on in this room. And when I
click this, the blond indicated a button on the touch screen
before them, a picture is taken. Realization entered the girls
light green eyes. She turned to face him.

Her friend smiled.

this is one of the newer types. It was installed a few months ago,
actually. He smiled with pride at knowing such. She smiled back
and pushed her friend lightly, touching the button that snapped the
picture. Hey! he yelped, and a tickle fight ensued. Several
prods of the touch screen later, the two reclined on the metal chair
inside the booth, trying to regain their breath from laughing so
hard. Then, almost unconsciously, the boy lifted his friends chin,
smiling warmly at her. She did likewise. The boy groped for the
camera button, making the girl yank him closer. His face grew hot and
his eyes flew open, making the girls smile widen. Uh She
chuckled again at her friends embarrassment.

the girl murmured.


we redo that one? With less blushing? Jeremie promptly blushed.

If thats what you want, Aelita The girl nodded, taking her
friends face in her hand. He swallowed, and did the same.



your eyes. He did so, and felt her warm lips against his. With a
quiet groan, he deepened the kiss, making his friends shoulders
relax. From somewhere outside their temporary residence, Islands
in the Stream by The Bee Gees softly played. After a minute or so
of gentle back-and-forth motion, the two preteens parted. Both their
hearts were racing and neither could tear their gaze away from the
other. Suddenly, an idea came to Jeremie. He took Aelitas right
hand in his, and moved her left onto his shoulder. Confusion entered
her eyes. The boy smiled, face light pink and darkening.

how couples dance he mumbled. Aelitas face matched her hair
color as he said this.

she breathed, pressing her forehead to his, eyes closing halfway.

The two began to sway with the music, enjoying their moment alone on
Aelitas first night on Earth.

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