Code Lyoko Hentai

Code Lyoko Porn Story: The Origin System – Chapter 22

Code Lyoko Porn Story: The Origin System – Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Half-Truths and Lies

Although the light
source had been cut off, the room was still filled with a sort of
twilight. It was enough light to see by. ENSH was furious. How
dare they lock royalty down in this room. It could have been an
accident, but she found that very unlikely. Accidents didn’t happen

Ulrich was still
hunting for Yumi. The idea that this was a trap crept steadily into
his mind. But part of him refused to believe it. There was no way
his senses were that messed up. He triplicated to cover ground more
quickly. ENSH watched this with some interest. It wasn’t something
she’d seen before. Suddenly, he stopped and listened. Something was
tapping. They’d been making so much noise before that they hadn’t
heard it. Ulrich honed in and followed it to its source.

Hanging in a corner
was Yumi and Verdana. Yumi was using her telekinesis to tap a pipe
against the wall. The two girls were bound and gagged. But they
were too high for him to reach. So he called Viv over. She sliced
them down.

Yumi, what
happened? Ulrich asked as he handed back her necklace with the
virtual crystal in it.

We overheard the
last bit of a conversation between the queen and someone who looked
like the Master. Only when it left, it stopped being the Master. And we heard that we won’t be a problem any more. We were on our way
to meet you guys when, out of the blue, the thing that was the Master
knocked us out and carried us down here. I left my necklace there so
you find it. I didn’t realize you all would come down and get
trapped too. Yumi looked at the rest of the gang. What
happened with you all.

Long story short,
we figured out that there was a Master impostor and that they
convinced the queen to take us to Core, the principle system in the
Network Alliance. Once there our fake identities disappear and we
have to start all over on our trip to the Origin System. ENSH has
offered to help us get out of here before then. Ulrich did a
pretty good job of summing it all up.

We absolutely
cannot start over. We won’t have time. And we’re almost to the
end. Verdana looked pleadingly at ENSH. Not to mention that the
limited amount of time they could spend in the virtual world was
steadily shrinking. Even though Verdana had found a way to extend
it, she couldn’t extend it indefinitely.

I do not know what
it is you are doing, but I can see it is very important to you. I
will help. ENSH smiled. But first, let us get out of here. Any ideas?

I think I can help
with the getting out part. If you don’t mind damage, that is. Manuel tossed his energy balls up and down, like he was juggling.

Damage away,
AIMA said. ENSH watched Manuel appraisingly. All of the newcomers
were like her daughter. But she wasn’t sure they were half-breeds. Maybe it meant there was somewhere she could be accepted. Somewhere
AIMA wouldn’t be abnormal, a freak.

Manuel blasted the
hatch right off its hinges. Then they all climbed up the ladder and
out. As they walked through the halls, ENSH told them what she was
planning. The best way to get you all out of here is to arrange
some sort of party outside the palace. Or maybe just a system tour. Then throw in some weather and its the perfect escape.

Okay, you propose
that to the queen. And don’t worry about the weather. I’m sure
Ulrich has that covered. Yumi said.

ENSH didn’t ask how
Ulrich had it covered, but just nodded sagely. AIMA, let’s go
convince the queen she needs to not suffocate her son. AIMA
followed her mother towards the queen’s quarters.

You guys go on
ahead. I want to take a look around. See if I can remember
anything. Jordan smiled at them.

Okay, but be
careful, Viv said.

I will, he
promised before heading off in a different direction. It felt weird
to feel like he knew where he was going without actually remembering. His feet took him on a well known path that he didn’t remember at
all, though they seemed to. They took him down a columned pathway
with a roof but no walls. He looked around. It was very green, but
it seemed formed, generated, rather than created. There was no
randomness at all in this world.

He finally came to a
stop out in one of the gardens. It was pretty, quiet and secluded. Pretty except for the blackened circle where XANA must have appeared
and taken him away.

You used to really
like it here, came a voice behind him. Jordan whirled around. It
was ENSH. I used to watch you practicing your sword work. And I
used to wonder how you would have turned out had my sister not gotten
to you.

What do you mean,
‘gotten to me’?

Raised you.

Yes, I think
something good came out of my forgetting. I think I’m a better
person now. But this isn’t my home anymore. I can’t stay here. ENSH listened patiently.

Poor AIMA struggles
with herself over that. There are times she can only react one way
because that was drummed into her by my sister so that there was
still some hope of an heir, even a half-breed.

Jordan frowned. I
keep hearing that term. Half-breed. What does it mean and why does
it mean AIMA is strange?

You see, only
viruses have powers they can use without weapons. That is why AIMA
is as strange as you all. Her father was a virus. That is why she
is illegitimate and an abomination now that you are here, Prince
Jordanake. Please don’t misunderstand my intentions. I don’t want
you to go so that my daughter will rule. No, rather I applaud you
for leaving to do what you want. In fact, I believe that we will
leave as well. My sister has grown so insufferable in her

Jordan felt the
inkling of a plan come into his mind. Maybe he could finally do
something good as a prince of this system. Thank you for talking
with me. That was nice of you.

He walked back to the
room he was staying in (he refused to think of it as HIS room). The
gang was all there again, waiting for him. He related his whole
conversation with ENSH to them.

Does that make us
viruses too? Odd asked.

The gang laughed. I
think not. I think we’re just…special, Viv elaborated.

Yeah as in the kind
of special that gets you killed, Jeremy said. Aelita punched his
shoulder, but not too hard. Well, it’s the truth!

Jordan was deep in
thought. I think I need to have a deep talk with my parents.

I think that’s a
great idea, Verdana said. Viv, you should go with him. Jordan, don’t argue, you are not doing this on your own.

Jordan smiled and
gestured Viv over. Let’s go then. Out the walked, hand in

On the other side of
the castle AIMA was talking with the queen. Please your highness,
you remember how much he liked to go out on walks. And yes I know he
disappeared on one of them, but the kidnapper is gone now and he’s
not going to be alone.

The queen’s lip
curled. I suppose you are correct. One little outing can’t hurt. And the weather is supposed to be clear for the next week and the
weather reports are never wrong. Okay. We will have the outing
tomorrow morning. Now go away. AIMA bowed and exited. Her job
was done.

About three minutes
later, Jordan and Viv walked in. Yes, my son?

So can I go on the
tour tomorrow morning? (They had met AIMA in the hall)

Well of course. I’m glad you like it here. It is so much better than where you came
from. The queen clapped a hand over her mouth.

Wait a minute. I
don’t come from here?

Your home is here,
the queen said, flustered.

So who am I
really? Viv nodded, focusing an intense stare at the queen.

Well, we were
visiting another system-

We were attacking,
GLIS. Tell the boy the truth. We always meant to one day. The
king walked in.

Very well, we were
attacking. But they were a very small and unconnected system, weak. It was a blessing we were the ones to defeat them! the queen said
quickly, as if all of that justified what they had done. We found
you, still alive after everyone else was deleted. I still took you
in and that makes you mine.

What system?

It doesn’t matter,
dear boy.

What system?

It’s gone. Deleted
forever. It’s name was Phere.

You destroyed it!

We had to make sure
that there would be no one to take you away. The queen was nearly
in tears.

Geez. Everything I
heard about who I was is a lie. Maybe it’s a good thing I forgot. I’m glad I forgot!

Not all a lie, my
son. You are royalty!

Half-truths, then. Not lies.

And we are offering
you a chance to rule one of the greatest systems in the Network

I’m not your son. With that, Jordan turned heel and left, followed closely by Viv.

See GLIS. I told
you it was a bad idea to destroy the poor boy’s system. You were the
one who decided that you would leave no way back. You burned that
bridge. The king walked back out again. Did you really expect
him to thank you for deleting all his people and real family?

Jordan felt both sad
and happy at the same time. He wasn’t who they said he was and that
made him so glad. He wasn’t related at all to that nasty queen. But
on the other hand, he didn’t have a family anymore, nor even a home
system. Viv decided it was time to say something. I’m sure we
can fix your home system. After all, if Verdana can do it with
TARO’s system, she can do it with yours too!

You’re right. Maybe I will get to go see them after all. Jordan smiled again,
all happiness. He didn’t belong here and they were leaving in the

Let’s go tell the
others the good news, Viv said, pulling him along.

The next morning, they
were preparing for their escape. Jordan finished writing something
on a data pad. Hey guys, tell me how this sounds.

What is it?
asked Odd.

It’s a letter to
AIMA. Since no one in the virtual worlds really appreciate what she
can do, we should send her to the real world.

That’s a good
idea, Verdana said. Read it.

Dear AIMA. You
should join us in our world. To get there, go to Palov and use the
enclosed code. Then leave the cave and call for Carlos. He’ll take
you to some people who will explain more and help you get to France. We attend Kadic Academy. My name there is Jordan Feeny. Use the
same last name and say you are my cousin. You can bring your mother
too. Prince Jordanake.

I like it,
Aelita said afterwards.

I hate to break
this up, people, but we are going to be late if we don’t leave now. Manuel gesticulated toward the door.

They arrived at the
hovercar port just seconds after AIMA and ENSH. They two of them
were accompanied by about one hundred soldiers. Guess the queen
is still paranoid, Ulrich whispered to Yumi.

Jordan walked over to
AIMA and handed her two data pads. Here AIMA. This is out portal
address, so if you’re ever in the area, stop by. And could you give
it to the other programs that helped us get out of the Academy? Thanks. For everything. He turned away. Oh, the wait for a
couple days before opening the other one.

They all piled into
the topless hovercar, followed by the soldiers on their own couple. As soon as the palace was out of sight, Ulrich pressed the button on
his sword. Another blade extended and he began to spin the double
bladed sword. A huge twister appeared and headed directly for the
soldiers’ hover cars. It knocked them from the sky. The gang got
down and Verdana made a portal. They filed through, one by one. Ulrich came last, after using his twister to throw about the hover
car they had been riding in. It looked as though anything inside
must have been deleted. Then he too, stepped into the portal,
followed by Verdana who waved at AIMA and closed the portal.

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