Code Lyoko Porn Story: Unofficial Code Lyoko Season 5 Chapter 2
So, you thought that I will bring a new chapter to the story ONLY if you review? Well, no. The chapter was only to show you how this chapter will be, and how the story will start.
Disclaimer: I dont own Code Lyoko (But if I would, I would bring all the wrong pairing stories down. Like OxA or JxY!!)
In a laboratory, theres a computer. But it isnt a normal one. The computer had a Multi-agent program known as Xana inside it and a virtual world known as Lyoko. Those all were created by Waldo Schaeffer (a.k.a Franz Hopper) to destroy project Chartage. But when Xana took control of himself, everything went wrong, very wrong. When Franz virtualized himself with her daughter inside Lyoko, Xana almost destroyed him, but only managed to trap him inside a virtual prison. Franzs daughter survived, but Xana stole all of her memories from earth, and the Super Computer was shut down by Franz, so Xana couldnt do any damage to the real world. Many years later, a student from Kadic Academy known as Jeremy Belpois started it up, Lyoko awakened with Xana and Aelita (The creators daughter) with it. They fought many battles against Xana, until they got Aelita materialized into the real world. They tried to shutdown the super computer, but because Xana had stolen the memories of Aelita, she couldve died if they wouldve shutted it down. After a lot of fighting Xana stole Aelitas key of Lyoko and escaped the Super Computer to the Internet. Jeremy and his new friends Yumi, Ulrich, Aelita and Odd fought against Xana a long time, until they destroyed him with Jeremys Multi-agent program. But now theres a backup running to bring Xana back, and their lives will change back to normal.
At the Cafeteria:
Yumi: Hi guys, hows it going?
Jeremy: No problem. Ive had the best of time in my life.
Ulrich: Yeah, but ONLY because Xanas destroyed.
Odd: Ulrich dont tease Jeremy.
Ulrich: What the? Usually youre the one to tease everyone, and now, you defense him.
Odd: He has had a good time, because hes been with Aelita alone.
Jeremy: Hey!
Everybody except Jeremy and Aelita laugh.
Jeremy: Youve been quite of down lately, whats wrong?
Aelita: Oh, nothing Jeremy, nothing.
Jeremy: Just tell me, ok.
Aelita: I had a nightmare.
Jeremy: What kind of?
Aelita: Well, I saw everything, whatve done against Xana, going backwards. Like anything would not have happened.
Jeremy: Dont worry. It was only a nightmare.
Everybody stared at Jeremy. He was afraid, afraid that their most powerful enemy ever would come back. He didnt want to accept it. He just didnt.
Meanwhile, at the factory:
The screen of the Super Computer had a Backup running on it. It created the replicas, and now is bringing back a familiar multi-agent program. It was only 10 seconds away that the life of the young gang was about to change greatly again. 9.8..7.. Brought back Xana
The Super Scan program showed an activated tower once again. It was time for Xanas revenge.
So, what do you like about the first episode? I know that it is short, but I tried my best. I promise that the next chapters will be longer. (Except for Authors notes)