Code Lyoko Hentai

Code Lyoko Porn Story: The Origin System Chapter 19

Code Lyoko Porn Story: The Origin System Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Into Memory Part 4: Viv and Jordan

Viv gaped at the group
of kids. The argument of a few moments ago wasn’t actually an
argument. There was laughter and shouting. But the shouts were
shouts of glee. Viv walked closer, curious. Inside the knot of
children, was Little Viv. She was showing them some tricks she’d
learned to do with the vines.

Viv was concerned. Carlos taught me those tricks. She thought about her native
friend who had been a great help to the gang in Puerto Rico. I
promised I’d never show anyone else.

Little Viv was
talking. I figured this out on my own. So now you guys can do it
too. one of the boys slapped her on the back.

Way to go Viv! You
really are smart. Girls rule!

Viv’s eye twitched. This was the boy who had insinuated that girls were useless. Yet
here they were, buddies.

Hey Viv, you want
to come surfing with us?

Little Viv smiled and
said sure. They all piled into the back of one of the boys’ truck. Viv Jumped on at the the last moment, afraid to get left behind. No
one had ever asked her to go surfing before. No one, except Carlos,
that is.

Viv sat on the beach
and watched Little Viv and all her friends playing in the surf. She
tucked her knees up to her chin and wrapped her arms around them. She wanted to believe that this was what really had happened, but
there seemed something wrong with it. She meditated on the argument
she remembered.

Girls can’t do
anything! I bet you can’t even climb past the low branches on the

I’ll take that
bet! Viv shot back in response to the boy’s challenge. After
you, your Highness.

Ladies first,
the boy countered.

Fine, said
Viv. It was what she was banking on. There was no way he’d be able
to haul himself up higher than her. He may have been the best
climber of the city kids, but Carlos had taught her. With a smug
smile, she monkeyed on up the tree. Down below, the boy started to
climb too. But she had too much of a lead and she was obviously
better than him. He couldn’t get as high as her.

Viv swung down the
branches and landed on her feet. The challenger fell onto his face,
unfortunately, in Viv’s opinion, without breaking anything. Care
to revise your claim that girls can’t do anything?

Girls can’t do
anything! said the boy. Especially freaks like you!

Carlos stepped out
of the trees and joined his friend. Viv was in the center of a group
of kids now, facing them off. Carlos stood next to her, silent, but
still threatening.

I’m not a
freak!Viv said, clenching her fists.

That’s all you
are, a freak! Raised by monkeys.

The kids laughed

Go for it,
Carlos said quietly.

Smiling now, Viv
swung her fist. It connected solidly with the boy’s arm. There was
loud snap and it was clear that the arm was broken.

The boy whimpered
in pain and collapsed. His little brother ran to his side and
shouted at Viv. You’re gonna be in so much trouble this time!

Viv just shrugged
and went with Carlos into the forest.

Viv’s puzzlement grew
and grew with this new situation. She’d never been friends with the
village kids. There were time she wanted to be, granted. But there
was just too much bad blood between them to allow for any of that. After a very short time she’d been happy with her one friend, Carlos. On top of all that, Little Viv wasn’t getting exasperated or
anything like that and Viv knew she had terrible temper.

Let’s see now. I
never had that many friends, but I never really wanted them anyway. I have a terrible temper that gets a hold of me quite often. Finally, I did need the support of Carlos. I need at least one
friend. White light wiped away the happy, but wrong memory.

Jordan watched himself
go over and tap Ulrich on the shoulder. You will be my guide. I’m new.

Ulrich looked at him
oddly, but agreed despite not having been asked.

You will take me to
my room, then you will show my the ground.

Okay, then,
Ulrich said uncertainly.

Bag Jordan glared at
him down his nose. You will address me as ‘Your Highness’ when
you talk. After all, I am royalty.

Okay, then, your
highness, Ulrich said, looking cowed.

You may lead on.

Jordan followed Bag
Jordan and Ulrich. When Bag Jordan dumped the bag on the bed, no
XANA symbol fell out of it, Jordan was pleased to note. Ulrich led
him down to the cafeteria. Sissy was there and instantly began
fawning on him. Bag Jordan (Jordan couldn’t help but think of him as
that, despite the fact he had dumped the bag) preened and looked

Eew, Jordan
said, miming puking. He was hoping his counterpart would fix the

But instead, the
situation got even worse. There was a ripple in the vision taking
him forward in time. Bag Jordan was walking down the hall, trailed
by lackeys, with Viv at his side. This at least was something right. It was obvious he was king of the school. Jordan followed them out
to the park. A sort of court had been set up.

Jordan froze as he
realized he was the judge. And he was standing where the defendant
would be. Let the accused rise and step forward, Bag Jordan

But I’m already
standing! Jordan cried. Then he realized someone was standing
through him. He backed up and saw Ulrich there.

Ulrich Stern, you
stand accused of refusing a date with my agent, Sissy Delmas. How do
you plead?

Guilty, Ulrich
said. Guilty and I’d do it again.

Very well, to
ensure that you will not be subordinate any longer, I’m sentencing
you to spend all your free time with Sissy. Court adjourned.

Jordan was horrified
by what he saw. And what bothered him most of all, was a part of him
wanted it. Deep down in his heart it felt right.

Odd blinked his eyes
to clear the afterimage of the bright light. He looked around and
saw that once again he was standing on a landscape like that of mars. And he wasn’t alone anymore. Verdana, Santino, Manuel, Ulrich,
Yumi, Jeremy, Aelita, and Viv were also blinking their eyes rapidly.

Verdana looked around. Ah nuts. I forgot about this place. I should have warned you
guys, I’m sorry.

So, um, what
exactly happened? Manuel asked.

Let me explain. The world looks into your mind and manipulates your memories to show
what you want. All the while your heart is deceiving you. It
believes without question the vision shown because it shows something
that has been longed for. Even as your mind tells you whats
wrong, you must make your heart see the wrongness too. Otherwise,
you will be stuck until you fade into nothing. Also, because it is
so hard for us to see our own faults, it is difficult for us to
escape from this world. Equally difficult is to truly see ourselves. Only by admitting those faults could we have escaped.

Odd nodded slowly. That sounds…complicated.

Verdana nodded back. You have no idea. We should leave as soon as possible. She
started to make a portal.

Wait! Santino
shouted. Where’s Q?

Viv had been looking
for Jordan too. Jordan’s missing too. We have to find them!

Oh no, Verdana
said. They must still be trapped. We have to snap them out of it
somehow. If we don’t, they’ll decompile. It’s part of the trap. If
you stay here long enough, you die.

You know what this
reminds me of? Odd said thoughtfully. That things XANA did
once. You know, making us think we were back at Kadic when we were
really still in Lyoko. Do you think maybe this was a prototype of
his? Or maybe where he got the idea? I wonder what he must have

I can only hope it
was horrible, Verdana said acidly. But you have a point. It
probably means that he’s been here before. I don’t know how to get
them out. Pretty much they have to get themselves out. We could try
concentrating really hard on them and telling them that it’s not
real. Mentally I mean. So half of you think on Q and the other half
think on Jordan. Maybe we can reach them.

Q was still entranced
by the wonderful life she was watching. She failed to notice wisps
were beginning to fly off of her. She winced when she began to hear
a ringing in her ears. She wondered what was causing it. If she
listened really hard, though, she could almost make out words. She
concentrated. It almost sounded like Santino’s voice. With a couple
other voices thrown in too. But his voice was clearest.

It’s not real Q. You got to get out of there. It’s killing you, the voice
whispered. It was like the nagging little voice in the back of her
head, telling her what she already knew, but hadn’t quite realized. She looked down and saw a wisp go flying away. The disintegration
was going faster now, as if her prison knew she was getting ready to

It isn’t real! I
was shunned, not accepted. I admit it! White light eased her
pain and gently deposited her on the mars landscape. Everyone was
there. Well almost everyone. She could see that Jordan was missing.

Jordan didn’t want to
watch, but couldn’t make himself close his eyes. He just didn’t want
to believe that part of him liked what was going on. As he felt the
guilt sitting heavy in his stomach, he could almost hear Viv’s voice. She’d be telling me right now, that this isn’t who I am, or want to
be. She’d be telling me that it isn’t real.

Strangely enough, he
could swear he could hear her talking. And her voice was saying,
Jordan, listen. Whatever you’re seeing isn’t real. It’s killing
you. He looked down and watched bits of himself flying away. He
could feel an enormous headache coming on. He had to think

Okay. I don’t
really want to be the ruler of anything. And there is no way I’m
that cruel. Even if that’s like what it seems I was before. White light and then he was looking at Viv’s face.

There was a loud
scream, reverberating in every corner of the world. Viv hauled
Jordan to his feet. Uh oh. I think we made it mad. Verdana,
let’s get out of here!

No problem there!
Verdana shouted back and opened the portal. They all jumped through.

Rack him! said
the cruel female voice. Cowering at her shadowy feet, was a figure.

Please no! It was
smart idea. Don’t blame me! the male at her feet whined.

It was smart,
granted. But it was also very stupid. The Lord wants them alive,
just back where they were. If they were decompiled, how could he use
them? Imbecile! She aimed a kick at his head. Then she turned
to the remaining figure. After you rack him, go fix this problem. I trust you are smart enough to succeed.

The figure nodded then
said, in a female voice, Yes ma’am. Then she reached down and
dragged the cowering figure out the door.

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