Code Lyoko Hentai

Code Lyoko Porn Story: The Origin System Chapter 1

Code Lyoko Porn Story: The Origin System Chapter 1

Here’s the story you’ve all been waiting for! So read and REVIEW people! Don’t care what you say, feel free to be random and such like. Even say hi! PULEEZE!

Chapter 1: Summers Beginning

Summer was just beginning at Kadic. It was a mild French summer, warm, but not too hot. Yumi, Aelita, Jordan, and Viv were waiting for someone beside the gate. Yumis family was going back to Japan for the summer, but she convinced them to let her board at Kadic for the summer. Due to the classes they had taken during the year, their finals were all done. All they were waiting for now was the rest of the gang to finish up.

Santino (aka OSTA), Manuel, and Verdana were at the apartment that Manuel had rented. They were staying out of the school dorms until the school year started. It made it all the more easy to sneak into the factory.

About half an hour later, Jeremy, Odd, and Ulrich showed up after their last final. All of them were ready to go . Just one problem, Verdana wasnt there yet. Before, she had been always on time. So they were beginning to worry. A little. Okay, quite a bit.

Odd began pacing back and forth nervously. As they gazed out of the gate, a motorcycle with two people on it pulled up. They both were wearing helmets with dark visors. The second person was hanging onto the drivers waist. The driver parked the cycle, then got off, followed by the second person. The driver was wearing slightly baggy black jeans and a black biker’s jacket. The second person was wearing a short purple skirt and black boots with flat bottoms. Her shirt was hidden by a silver Kevlar riding jacket.

They both pulled off their helmets revealing them to be Santino and Verdana. Odd got this funky feeling in his stomach as he watched. “Jealous, are we?” Jordan whispered to Odd tauntingly.

“Why would I be jealous of the orange freak?” he said, not so innocently. Jordan turned with a laugh. Odd tugged at his earring. They all still had their crystals, even though they still hadn’t had a chance to test them out on anything.

Verdana took off her jacket revealing her top. It was white with spaghetti straps and a triangular cut out at the bottom that showed her midriff. She stuffed the jacket into the helmet and walked over to the group. “Hey all. Anything up?”

Odd watched as Santino came up behind her and placed his arm on her shoulder like an armrest. Silently, he felt the anger boiling inside him. “What took you so long?” he finally blurted out.

Verdana brushed Santino’s arm off her shoulder and crossed her arms. “You were obviously worried, so I’ll tell you. I don’t have my motorcycle license yet, so I can’t drive it. My brother is off at the apartment, taking care of some business. Santino here was the only one who could drive me and he got pulled over so many times because he seems like he has no idea what he’s doing. I swear, there were a couple times I thought we were done for. Not to mention he kept checking out and stopping to try and hook up with some hot girls. Believe me. if I could drive, I’d of been here ages ago.” She rolled her eyes as Santino replaced his arm on her shoulder. She brushed it off again, but with more force this time. “I’m not you’re arm rest, so stop it.” she told him tautly.

Odd had to smile at this. Nothing could make him happier than to see his rival told off. He was a little worried because it was a fact that girls like older guys. Ulrich and Yumi were like an anomaly or something. He was scared that Verdana’d pick Santino because he was more “mature”.

“Can we get a move on if you want to stay at my apartment for the summer. Principal Delmas might not let you if we’re late.” While Verdana had been later than expected, she was still early enough to make it to the meeting on time. They all headed off in the direction of the office.

Odd slid up next to Verdana. “You seemed happy holding onto Santino’s waist.” he said inquiringly. She looked at him curiously.

“Are you jealous?” she asked with a knowing smile.

“No…y…maybe?” he finished, blushing.

Verdana smiled. “Actually, you had no idea at my expression, because you coudn’t see my face. But, he’d just pulled off this turn across all the traffic lanes to get to Kadic. Very close to some cars I might add. I was hanging on for dear life.”

“At least you’ll get you’re license before the end of the summer. My parents won’t let me get my drivers license until I go home. Which won’t be till I’m graduated.” Odd said, voice bitter.

“We’re here, remember, everyone, put on your puppy dog eyes.” Verdana said as she pushed open the door to the principal’s office.

Principal Delmas was waiting for them. “Ah Ms. Santiago, right on time. Please take a seat.” He pulled out some paperwork. “If you’ll just fill this out…” he stopped as Verdana pulled out already completed ones. “I see you’ve already gotten your parents to sign them. Very well. You are requesting that Ulrich Stern, Aelita Stones, Odd Della-Robia, Jordan Feeny, Vivian Martinez, Yumi Ishiyama, and Jeremy Belpolis come stay with you. Everything seems to be in order, so I’ll just sign and you can have them stay. This is unusual, but it does help immensely.” He signed the forms and filed them away.

They whole group left and went to go pack. “Don’t worry about sleeping bags, I have plenty of those!” Verdana told them outside the office. She went with Odd, because she determined that he’d need the most help. Ulrich had been packed since they first made the plans, so he was helping Yumi, who had just moved into the room. (Not that she actually needed to pack. She never unpacked in the first place. Hint Hint. And get your mind out of the gutter, it was nothing like THAT.)

“Soooo, do ya mind telling me why you didn’t use a portal?” Odd said, just a little accusingly.

“Manuel was on the computer, and it messes with it. He’d of gotten really pissed at me if I did that.” She looked at him curiously. “If I didn’t know better Odd Della-Robia, I would think you’re accusing me of purposely riding with Santino.”

“I was just wondering, that’s all.” he said defensively.

Verdana studied his face. “You know what, you can pack by yourself. I just remembered I have to pick up something from the store.” she said coldly and created a portal. She stepped in and it closed, leaving Odd staring forlornly at the blank wall.

“Way to go Odd. You just managed to push her away.” he told himself angrily. – -How could I have been so stupid! My jealously has just caused a huge problem. Why do I get so protective of her?- – He sighed and began throwing clothes into his suitcase.

A few hours later, everyone was at Verdana’s house. Manuel met them at the door, gave Odd a disgusted look, and let them in. Verdana wasn’t there. They all crashed on the couch, just having walked for an hour and a half to get there. (It wasn’t really all that far away, five minutes max, but they got lost and ended up taking the long way. Santino had managed to get pulled over several times in that short distance. Not to mention that driving actually took longer due to one way roads and such like. And if Verdana had known that, she would have walked. As it was, Santino kept telling her that is was longer to walk.)

Verdana showed up a little while later, arms full of groceries. Odd knew that she could have done a portal to get them back, because she knew her brother would be done with whatever it was he was doing. Judging by the venomous looks Manuel kept shooting Odd, he figured that she’d made a stop home first. Odd caught sight of Santino. He had a smug little smile on his face. Odd shook with anger. However, no one besides Santino noticed. That was cause for him to widen the smile.

Verdana shot Odd an extremely angry look. Odd opened his mouth to speak when the phone rang.

It was Principal Delmas. “I’m sorry Mr. Santiago.” he began addressing Manuel as if he was Verdana’s father. “I’m afraid the students must return to the school until the end of the week. The board of directors will be making a visit and staying for the week. They have requested that all students that are signed up to board here during the summer must be there for the inspection. They may return to your residence at the end of the school day, but the students must be present for temporary summer classes.”

Manuel relayed the information to the gang gathered there. “He must really want to impress the board of directors. Summer classes, who would take those?” Odd laughed.

“Not to mention his star students and trouble makers are all gone. Unfortunately, he gets one of us, he gets the rest.” Aelita said confidently.

“Yes, Principal Delmas. It will be perfectly fine. You have a good day too, sir. Good-bye.” Manuel told the principal and hung up the phone. “It’s settled then, you lot will go to pretend you’re in summer school. Then you’ll come back to house and have dinner. That means we’ll have to postpone our little excursion.”

“This is going to be a drag. I mean, come on! We never had to do that before. We always got to spend time doing whatever we want.” Odd complained.

“You’ll do this if you don’t want it to happen every summer, all summer long starting next year.” Jeremy told him. “If they think we’re not doing anything productive during the summer and are accepting boarders, they’ll make it mandatory for students left behind to take classes. That would throw out your whole summer wouldn’t it?”

Jordan surveyed the scene calmly. Viv sat at his feet, leaning against his legs. He watched as Verdana, finished putting away groceries, glared at Odd before sitting on the couch next to Santino. He saw Odd flinch slightly as Santino put his arm around her. Viv noticed this as well, for she stiffened. There was something definitely wrong with this picture.

“What are you all sitting there for? You’ve got the rest of the day to spend however you want! Go play in your virtual world, or something. I’ve got something to do on the computer that I don’t want interrupted by you all.” Manuel dismissed them with a wave of his hand.

Verdana created a portal quickly and motioned for them to step through. Ulrich and Yumi went first followed by Jeremy and Aelita, who were followed by Jordan, Viv and Santino. Then Verdana stepped through without a word to Odd. He tried to jump through after her, but the portal closed right as he touched it. He crashed into the floor and shook the whole room.

Manuel poked his head around the corner, wondering at the crash. His eyes fell on Odd, who lay sprawled on the ground, groaning. “I thought I told you to leave.” he said with venom in his voice.

Odd, who by now was really pissed off, stood up and spat in Manuel’s face, “Shut up! This is not my fault! Do you actually think I would have chosen to stay behind!”

Manuel backed away a step, surprised by Odd’s anger, and promptly tripped over Kiwi. Kiwi barked and ran out from under him before he finished falling. Verdana’s brother landed flat on his back. As he sat up, he heard the door slam.

At the factory

A rat sniffed the ground, looking for a scrap of food. It raised it head at a strange sound. Seeing a deep purple hole open in the nearby wall, it scurried off, squeaking. From the hole stepped all of the group, minus Odd. Verdana was the last one through, and she closed the portal quickly, as if she expected something evil to come out of it.

Jordan approached her cautiously. “Verdana, where is Odd?” he asked quietly.

Her face hardened as she answered. “I dunno. He must have jumped in too late or somat like that. Anywho, I’m not his nanny, am I?” she added scathingly.

Jordan didn’t say anything, but let her pass by. Then he shouted back to the rest of the group, “You guys go on ahead. Odd got left behind, so I’ll wait here for him.” Everyone kind of shrugged and continued on. Verdana stalked off, as if she was mad at the whole world.

After about six minutes, Odd showed up. He saw Jordan waiting, inquiring look on his face. “What happened with you and Verdana?”

Odd’s eye twitched slightly before he answered. “I accused her of purposely riding with Santino because she likes him more. She took offense and left. I was going to apologize, but I don’t think I will now. She lied to me.”

Jordan looked thoughtful for a moment. “Okay, that explains part of it. What about what just happened now?”

“Oh, she closed the portal before I could enter it.”

Jordan nodded. He had figured something like that had happened.

“I had to walk over here and guess what I found out.” Without waiting for a response, he continued. “It takes five minutes to get to Kadic from the apartment, a little longer on a vehicle. She could have come anytime she wanted, but noooo, she waited for Santino to take her. Just so she could have an excuse to hold onto him.” Odd fumed.

Jordan, realizing that he shouldn’t push Odd’s limit any more, did not say any of the other questions that were circling in his mind. “The others are waiting. We’d better go catch up.” he grabbed Odd’s arm and dragged him along.

Odd studied the slight boy in front of him. Recently they had found out that Jordan wasn’t human, but a program from Moflyt, another of the many worlds like Lyoko. – -Hell, all of us could be computer programs for all I know.- – he thought. Their group that had started out with five, now had one more human and four programs. The original gang had stared out fighting against X.A.N.A. Then they met Verdana and Jordan. Jordan had been under X.A.N.A.’s control at the time, and Verdana had died, destroying her brother who was now a part of the group. Santino, the only true virus there, had come on board at the end of the last adventure, in which they had met Vivian. It was enough to confuse anybody, and looking back Odd realized in what crazy thing it had been. – -Seeing the whole plot in my mind, it makes my head spin. But in a good way, I suppose.- – He looked up when Jordan stopped. They had arrived.

“Hey, everyone’s already in. Why don’t you two go down and I’ll get you set up.” Jeremy told them when he saw them. As Odd entered the elevator, he heard Jeremy mumble, “Man, I wish I had one of those remotes like Verdana has.” Jeremy had created a virtual self so he could go with the gang on their trip without having to be in the protective bubble. It had been extremely unnerving to still be in the real world, but moving in the virtual one. It felt really funky and he wasn’t anxious to do that again. Not to mention, all he could do was block. No decent weapons.

In Lyoko

When Odd arrived in the forest region, he looked around for Verdana, afraid she’d attack him. As Jordan landed next to him, the rest of the group appeared from behind the trees. Jordan and Viv exchanged glances. What they had been afraid of, was happening.

Verdana had stepped forward to be right in Odd’s face. She looked furious. Without a word, and before Odd could speak, she punched him, right in the stomach.

“Odd, what just happened? You lost a quarter of your lifepoints!” Jeremy told him from back in the factory. “Are you being attacked? I don’t see any enemies.”

Odd didn’t say anything, but stood his ground. Verdana punched him again and again. He didn’t even flinch, but just absorbed the blows. Then Verdana punched him one last time, extremely hard, in the face. If it had been in the real world, his nose would have shattered. He ended up back in the scanner.

He walked past Jeremy, without speaking or pausing to look at him. Jeremy watched his friend’s back disappear into the shadows. He knew that Verdana had attacked Odd, but for what reason he didn’t know.

Back in Lyoko, everyone stared at Verdana. She didn’t say anything either, but wandered shakily way from the rest of them. Concerned though they were, none of them were willing to risk Verdana’s anger. They set up targets and practiced their fighting, but their hearts really weren’t in it. Deciding to call it a night, they returned to the apartment.

Glow: and thanks to Lady Kyra 13, for providing me with Odd’s thoughts about the plot. And unless I get three reviews, the next chapter will not be posted. Five reviews for a spoiler…

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